Hello to all of you

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

jordys ski boat

New Member
Hi just saying hello to you all its been a while since ive been here
since 2005 ive had 6 operations on my left arm after a work injury.
its been a pritty bad time.
Last year we moved back to Melbourne from NSW because my 5 year old boy (Jordy)
has been in and out of the childrens hospital in Melbourne all 2009
but hes getting better slowly.
theres a few people i want to say sorry to on this site for not answering emails
and taking so long to make parts for them i thought i could do it with a crook arm
but it took to long and the work was poor quailty so i just gave up
I understand if some people are a bit dark on me and all i can say is sorry

Well now in living south of melbourne in frankston ive been doing some work
on diesel engines fitting turbos on 4x4s trucks and boats with a friend but hoping to get a small fabrication shop going again
ive still got my boat with the same 1uz jag set up but hasn't been in the water for nearly
3 years my arms getting better so i will be able to ski again 1 day
well enough crap from me and i hope you all are well

thanks Joel Alexander

Good to hear from you.

Sorry to hear you've been having a rough trot and hopefully both you and the boy are heading in the right direction.

As one of the early members to supercharge the 1UZ you led the way for a lot of us.

Hope to hear more from you.
Hey there Joel, it's good to hear from you again and +1 to all the sentiments Rod mentioned.

You certainly were one of the pioneers in supercharging these motors, and it will be great to have you back in circulation again.

Best wishes for a speedy return to full health to both you & your son.
I can understand the frustration with arms not working as they should..
Hang in there.. Things have away of working out...
Good luck...
thanks Rod John and xr8tt for those kind words
im looking foward to get back into this site and chating
with all of you
ive got 2 twin screw supercharges in the shed just thinking of
a good project
anyway thats for another thred
as for my arm its as good as its going to get the biggest problem i
had was to learn welding with my right hand as im left handed
but life goes on you just have to deal with it and make the best of it
thanks Joel
Hi Joel,

The last time I spoke to you on the phone you just had your work injury....Im glad things are on the up. You were my greatest single inspiration for getting my 1UZ into my boat and I thank you for the time you spent with me both on this forum and also on the phone. Hope you do get your fabrication shop back online. The work you do is exceptional.
One day i might buy thay jag supercharger off you for my boat... Im having alot ot fun with the boat now though.

Hi Joel,
Its really sad to read about your son. I hope he will get well very soon. My thoughts are with him, Now i welcome you to rejoin this forum. I hope you will find this forum as informative as at the time when you have to left it.

Sony Mix Live
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Really sad to read about five operation in your right arm....
My all good thoughts are with you and my you be all right very soon...
