Hello from the Wirral, UK

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member

Ade here from the Wirral - that's near Liverpool - UK. I have partaken in any number of insane projects in the past, probably the most extreme of which was a BMW M5 V8 powered Ford Capri racing car - which, in fairness, Dad built in its entirity. Unfortunately, I managed to stuff it into the pit wall at Oulton last September; it is currently being re-born in the form of a chopped Eurocar V8 chassis, Capri skin, same M5 engine. ETA on the track, August or earlier, if possible.

Meanwhile, to scratch my race track itch, a couple of mates & I are turning an LS400 into a trackday barge. The full spec is:

1) Totally stripped & lightened
2) 1UZ engine with Megasquirt-III ECU, coil-on-plugs, etc.
3) Supra R154 gearbox with matching prop & LSD
4) Er, some kind of suspension, TBA.
5) That's about it really.
6) Go scare stuff at Oulton Park :)

So far, the interior is stripped, tomorrow the engine/autobox come out, hopefully I will be able to make the adapter plate next week, and with luck the whole thing will be track ready by early April.

Then, over time, we'll improve the engine, suspension, etc. as money permits - the idea is not to spend £1000s if £100s will do. Fortunately, I have a well equipped workshop including CNC vertical milling machine, so we're pretty well set up.

There's not a lot to see yet, just a car in pieces, hopefully I'll be in a position to take photos of progress soon :)
