99% sure all wiring is good.
Had it running a few times and was idling and revving up great. I would think a grounded injector or coil or something otherwise wired wrong would cause a noticeable mis-fire.
The 1st time I got it started was running like crap. I swapped the IGN3 and 4 ECU outputs as I mentioned I thought I "might" have mixed them up. Made thing worse so put them back. Realized that the engine wasn't really missing just acting kind of funny so I played with the dwell settings and got it running solid. Ran at idle with a couple of revs here and there for a good 30 minutes.
I have been reading on Adaptronics website and have a few things to check. I think there's a good chance it's just a setting that needs changed somewhere. Possibly the RPM to run setting as my battery is getting weak and the setting is at 250 rpm which I'm not 100% positive it was hitting last time I tried.
I made several changes to the motor and bolted on a used V-2 S trim. Drove it around for a few days without problems except the 3k miss.
1. Eliminated idle valve (which does make it harder to start but nothing cracking the throttle for a few seconds doesn't fix)
2.Put a wastegate on the intake controlled by 2 VSV's to in theory control boost. It works in vacuum as a bypass valve and closes properly when reeving the engine but haven't checked the boost relief side of it yet due to my ignition problem.
3. Installed the COP's and the AEM box. I am still going to be disappointed (yet probably relieved at the same time) if this does indeed prove to be the problem at 3k. I was very excited about this box and the car was down a week waiting for the stupid thing.
4. Used the throttle body stop screw to get it to idle. Have a EVAP purge VSV plumbed to the intake to add some air when the engine is cold or the AC is on or a couple other conditions.
5. Couple of changes to the intake piping, nothing major.
Ran as stated above with these changes.
Then, swapped out the used V-2 S trim for the new V-2 Si trim which was a simple matter. Took out the AEM tried the stock ignitors. Took out the stock ignitors for the Bosch units.
Coils are getting power through 2 relays which are powered when the key is on. Ground for the ignitors is to the 14mm strut top bolt which also has a ground wire going to the throttle body. Should be good.
I actually passed out last night and didn't mess with it much more, heading out to the garage in a few minutes to slave on it now.