Fabricating the coolent system, donate or sell me your coolent pipes!!

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
I need the front and rear coolent pipes, the front has the thrermostat and return hole, and the rear has the heater core hole.

The reason:

I need to move the return hole to the back and close the front return hole off, due to me running this motor in a mid engine car with VERY limited space I need to run a hose to the rear in order to have space for the struts on the pulley side of the motor.

If anyone has these two pipes for sell please email me at jefftbc@hotmail.com


well once Im done with them I can send you my factory ones that are in good shape. I dont care about the condition of them, how much would you like me to paypal you for shipping?
