Does it sound like timing issue?

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Hey guys.
So this weekend I took my 92 turbo 1uz to the track. It was basically the second track day after turboing it. It ran like a champ until i lost all ignition due to crank sensor wire rubbed through on the belt. I soldered up the wires and it started right up. I instantly noticed it was making some weird noise.

The sound is coming from the front of the engine. I checked timing with a light and the notch on crank pulley is like 1/4" or more ahead of the first timing mark.. !t seems like the timing as now advanced somehow. The timing is mechanically spot on. What you guys think might have happen?

Im running stock ecu. I tried another ecu but no change.

Any Ideas?

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The two symptoms may or may not be related, but there's three possibilities IMO:

1. You may have reversed the crank sensor wires when you resoldered them. This could have caused the ignition timing mark to shift, but it shouldn't have produced the noise you hear.

2. You may have jumped a tooth on the cam gears, however simply jumping a tooth wouldn't have caused the noise, nor would it have caused the timing mark to shift - that's related to ignition, not cam timing. Jumping a tooth on the cam pulley(s) usually just makes the engine run like crap.

3. Your crank dampner outer pulley may be starting to separate from the inner core. This would cause the timing mark to shift, AND it could be producing a rattling noise.
Thanks criddj
By 'crank damper outer pulley' do you mean timing belt roller bearings?
I have already tried running he engine without he accessory belt but the noise was still there. Thnx again
No, I'm referring to the front dampner, aka harmonic balancer. There are three parts to these dampners, an inner steel core, an outer steel pulley, and an elastomer middle section that bonds the inner core with the pulley.

With age, the elastomer dries out, cracks, etc. and the dampner eventually fails. Its failure is sometimes accelerated by power adders such as turboing or supercharging. Any engine > 25 years old that has this type of dampner is a candidate for failure.

Sometimes it fails with no warning, and sometimes there's a noise, or a telltale shift in the timing mark for no apparent reason.

This may or may not be your problem, but if you have an early 1UZ, it bears watching.
Oh i see what you talking about.

Luckily i found the problem today.
My accessory belt fell apart somehow and the strands got caught on the crank just behind the pulley. As the crank spun, the rubber strands smacked a plastic cover thing and made that noise. The strands also caught my crank sensor wires and ripped them.
