Cars starts, idles, but missing

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


For the past 11 months, this motor has sat idle but since completing the conversion and now getting the exhaust installed I have a 'miss'. I know the injectoers can sieze, and the plugs can foul (short running time whilst testing), but anything else I should check?

Tomorrow starts with a wheel alignment (new steering rack installed), then checking each injectors operation by listening to them, followed by checking the correct connection of leads from front to plugs, pull the plugs to check rubbish build up and finally the alignment of the stars.

The car starts first turn of the key, idles without labouring, doesn't run hot or to cold, but sounds like a VW Beetle on steroids.

Is there anything else I should look for?
Sounds like it's running on only one distributor.

These engines will sart fine and idle well but have the Dak Dak sound.

Check you have spark at both distributors.

If you don't check your coils and igniters.

If you find a distributor without spark you could swap the igniter plugs over (this will see if it's an igniter) and also swap coils and/or coil leads .

I always suspect a wiring fault in conversions but unless you've chaged the length of your igniter leads I wouldn't think that was it.
I did a bit of checking yesterday. Both distributors have spark and each spark plug lead is receiving spark. I removed the spark plugs (except No. 6 & 8 because their under the brake booster, but all plugs removed looked good and all injectors were clicking away nicely

I think the problem might be the left bank distributor cap because if I remove leads for no. 6 or 8 cylinders individually, the motor does not change, plus there's a clicking from the cap. If both leads are removed together the motor really gets upset. When all the other leads were removed individually the motor missed even more.

Unfortunately, both are new caps and I've thrown the old ones away. Anyway, I'll swap the caps left to right and see if the problem follows the cap. I'm getting used to the 'kick' from a loose spark plug lead.
Well, after half dismantling the motor to get the distributors caps off to swap them around, I looked at the front of the caps to see the cylinder numbers printed for easy reference. When I did the initial spark plug, leads and distributor cap replacement I had used a diagram of the spark plug lead connections from somewhere on this site.

What I discovered today was the drawing was incorrect and leads for cylinders 4 & 6 were back to front. Put them round the right way and problem solved. So, not everything on the internet can be trusted.
