Cam timing

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New Member
tighe cams have done a couple of sets Dean would definatley recomend a grind for what you want. i know this is a really old thread but i was looking for just as you are a good grind, someone who has installed a set of custom cams on a N/A street car.
The biggest problem I have with cams is deciding what I want out of the car.

I can't decide whether to supercharge it or burn it! (i'm having a little trouble at the moment)

If I went N/A I would need a fairly agressive grind. If I supercharge it I need a grind to stop the inlet gasses being pushed down the exhaust. but I need long duration on the inlet to let all that nice fuel/air mixture in.

My last engine V8 did nothing under 3,000 rpm so I lean toward supercharging as I can have (almost) linear power from idle to redline.

One advantage of non-interference engines is you can't do any real harm by mucking up the cam timing.
Look at camshafts in for exhaust cam theory info. There is talk of a 40hp increase from a mild exhaust cam grind.
40HP sounds good but from what I can ascertain it will cost close to $1,000.00 (Australia) and last for 40,000 ks before I need to do it again.

If I had a chev a new cam would cost $150.00 and last 100,000 miles. whilst we have two (exhaust) cams to grind I dont see it should cost 3 times as much and last half as long. A chev has 16 lobes on its cam. The 1UZ has 8 lobes on each cam so why should it cost more?

We have one of the best engines in the world and then put cams in them that wear out and fill the engine with metal filings. Where does the worn metal from a cam lobe go? Through the engine and hopefully the oil filter catches it.

I want good cams at areasonable price. I would pay $1,000.00 for a cams that would last 100,000 miles.

Sorry for shouting
the time and material cost of building up the cams is the killer if you are willing to do the mods to accept a smaller base circle you can get your cams reground for about $150 each and they will last for 100,000 km
until someone makes the molds for cast cams then a set of new cams will be$600 and need no mods to fit and ast for ages.

Why can't they be machined from a billet of the appropriate material. I'm sure it couldn't cost any more than building up and machining. The trouble with hard welding is this is exactly what fails. When the weld fails does it take the followers (or shims to be precise) with it?

For that matter having a tool maker make a plug to ise in casting couldn't be that expensive.

I'll chat to a few of my mates and get some ideas.
some cams they make billet they run a cnc lathe and you are spot on it is cheap but not as cheap as cast.
i don't talk to my mate who works there a lot but i will see him soon and there is some things regarding this i want to sot out.
long cams can't be lathed as they chatter.
billet cams can only be made from certain materials
wheather an engine has roller, solid lifters, buckets these things determine what material can be used as to what dictates what i can not be sure at the moment.

to make a mould: get a thing that looks like a 1uz cam but bigger in lateral dimensions by X% and bigger in lateral dimensions by Y%
this has to be made out of two halves pull it apart and glue it too two pieces of flat stuff (no under cuts)

might be a riser at one end might cast it vertically Sand casting that is
then cams would be cheap but no one doing it has had the time yet
one of the things about our cams that may stop it being made from billet is the dam gearthere would be a lot of material to remove as you have to cut it out of something bigger than that dam drive gear.

would you want only exhaust cams or all four a lot of people say there is good gains to be had from exhaust only swaps.

I've been involved in sand casting for many years and know it is cheap and easy to do.

What I don't get is that no one has cast a set of blanks yet.

I you machined from billet you would need stock only slightly larger than the diameter of the cam lobes. The drive gear is removable.

I have a friend who runs a CNC shop (he manufactures Auto test equipment) so will chat with him.

He can organise casting cams if required.

The question is if we had blanks made would anyone machine them for us or would they refuse to get involved?
I will talk to Dean Tighe form Ivan Tighe and see what our options are.
i would expect him to be quite helpfull
i have spoken to Dean he said he would be interested in making cast cams for an order of around 10. they would be cheaper and far superior to welded cams.
The reason we can not run billet cams is steel cams are only suitable for rollers. we need the self lubricating properties of cast cams
the lobs have to be cast onto the cams in order for the metalurgy properties to be retained after grinding. as they are case hardened.
four moulds would need to be made as each cam has different lob orientation.
If someone was to make castings it would not be an issue to get them ground.
although the pattern need to be ground before casting which should not be a problem.

so if any one wants to place an expresion of intrest or what ever we could look at it. shipping to the states is not out of the question so i am asking any one who wants some to drop me a PM

I am in the states and have interest. What is the projected timing of the project, as well as costs?


400ZED is the driving force here.

We are dependent on getting ten starters.

from what I can see you are number 4.

PM 400ZED if you need more info.
i have spoken to dean Tighe yesterday and will have a firm quote on time and cost of ten sets of cams each ground to you specs.

you may not have thought about it but becuse we have centre drive gear the cams arn't able to be adjusted. well a vernier cam gear effects more than you want. overlap is set. just a thought i had.
yeah man, spill the beans.

what sorta $$$ am i looking at? do i need that shim kit for my lifters?
was quoted less than $1850 for new cams 1850 was his start point you would need shims. if people are interested drop me a line but i would like to look some where else.
and these cams are going to last...? they're the proper ones yeah?

$1850 is so much money, i mean that's almost $450 a cam...why is it i can order one from WADE for my datto and it's like $250...? is that to do with them stamping them out at gazillions a day?

what sort of power gain am i going to see with this grind? what grind IS it that has been chosen?

i'm keen man, but i need to know all this sh1t first.
