Auto box wiring

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

lill daddy

New Member
Hey guys,

running a early 1uz in a hiace van with the 1uz auto behind it... its been on the road for around two years but have finally decided to try make the box shift as if it should... after some searching it seems like i need to wire in a kick down switch, look at my power feed from the ect pwr button to the ecu. I also read somewhere about a feed to the ecu from the brake light feed (something to do with the torque converter??) its got the short shift from 2nd to 3rd and also to od issue and doesnt seem to change down at the right time either...a diagram or pin outs would be awesome to....

ecu is a 40 40 40 part #89661-24220

any help on this would be much appreciated

cheers lads
so followed diagrams and put a micro switch under the gas pedal which is now making it kick down to 1st gear under 45kph... (i think the speed sensor is telling the ecu its going faster than it actually is) i gave the ecu a 12v feed from the brake pedal and a 12v feed from the ect power switch but it still seems to short shift etc.... so if your driving along at say 60kph and D with OD on then make a turn and slow down to say 30kph on the exit of the turn its still in OD unless you stand on it then will now kick down to first... i think i need to drive a SC400 or something to get a feel for how the trans changes from factory..... unless anyone has any other ideas???
I think there are a number of things going on here.

I thought the O/D is rev / speed dependant when you're in D.

The PWR button extends the range of the revs before any shifting occurs.

The kick down drops the gear down one step and is just a ground wire through the switch to the relevant pin on the ECU. So, what gear are you in as you come out of your corner. If it's 1st, which is what you tend to indicate, then you won't see any change.
I probably didnt explain very well sorry... what i was trying to say is that if you go into the corner in D or OD (doesnt matter what one) if you slow down by 30-40 kp/h it will still be in the gear you entered the corner in... unless you really jump on the gas then it will change down... its like the ecu is being told its going faster than it is so it doesnt change down by itself :(
its hard to explain on here... but if your just cruising along in OD at 60 kp/h and turn into a street when you finish turning it still in OD... unless you stand on the gas (say 50% throttle) it doesnt change down it just labours like hell.... to me i would think that the ecu would know the vehicle speed has dropped and down change itself? Thanks for your input..... Adam
Sounds perfectly like a Lexus auto to me. Pretty lazy with big long soft shifts. I tend to drive mine with a little bit of input , so I use the OD button to drop a gear and slip it back into 2 when driving around town and want a bit more go.
We have done a couple with upgraded valve bodies and that improves them and some with aftermarket engine ECU where the engine makes a bit more power the transmission works quite a bit nicer.
shift kit in box will greatly speed up shifts
then I fitted tip tronic kit to my box and it speed it up even more
could easily chirp 2nds

hey kelvin guy sorted out that 96 celsior
we managed to get rid of code 56 57
he still has 78 but it revs ok now
I think main prob was the o2 code 21
but not sure as he fitted new o2 and we managed to get rid of code 56 and 57
all in one go so not sure what actually cured it
argh... thats not what i want to hear Kelvin Haha....
I know one way to fix includes 5 gears and a different gear stick....
do you do a full manual conversion kit Kelvin? want to pm me a price if you do?

