All Three Sumps photographed

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Well-Known Member
I went for some training today taking the 1UZ van and had to deliver a rear sump to a guy fitting a 1uz into a mk2 escort. He got a half cut for his doner motor (rear in NZ, we usually just get the motors) His had a front sump and threw a workmate of his contacted me for a rear sump. I removed one off a motor and before handing it over I photographed all three sumps together. I still have a rear sump for measurements but it is still on a motor. The front and mid are all off the motors.

For those of you that don't know lexus 1uz have three sump positions
Front sump - LS400 or Celsior - lefthand side
Mid sump - Crown - In the middle photo
Rearward sump - SC400 , soarer sump not completely at the rear - right hand photo
There is not a lot of difference between the mid and rear - only about 25mm between the bowls. The photos of the measurements didn't come out the best but there are some of these as well if people want, just ask. Cheers
More photos

This is for SKID. This is the measurement of the rear sump. First and second are from the back of the sump. Third is the width. I hope you can see the measurements and that they help. Cheers Kelvin
Thank you God! (gloverman)

I've been asking politely for these measurements for months across, and I know it's sometimes a pain in the arse to get a tape out and crawl under an engine but I was starting to lose the will to live as no one could do it. Anyway Gloverman has come up trumps. Good Lad!!! ;)

Thanks Mate!!!

That is a great collection. In US we don't get the mid sump and its very hard to find one. Great info. Perhaps we can lable them like Front, Mid and Rear as reference. Great job and great contribution for swappers.

Mid sump: Crown
Rear Sump: Soarer/SC400
Front Sump: All other V8 engines with different veriance.
It appears from the photos that the mid sump is narrower than the others, is this true?

If so does someone have a width dimension for it
Bringing back from dead as I need to know the width of the mid sump pan also as well as is it the same Depth as the rear sump pan.
hey gloverman. any chance i could buy your rear sump and pick up etc of you, i can also give you a front sump and pick up if wonted. im in NZ also need 1 4 my series 1 rx7 1uz project. thanks
hello Guys
Removing a rear sump today and have a mid already off so will measure.

rx7 s1 1uz Sorry just sold my my most resent rear sump to jay for a hiace. There is another in the corner of the shop but that set aside with a complete rear motor for my own use. We have a RX7 (series 4 or 5)with a 1uz in the fleet of cars we look after. I did put some photos on here somewhere. The other rear sumps I had were sold for a HQ holden and one (from the these photos) went for a escort.

hello Guys
Removing a rear sump today and have a mid already off so will measure.

rx7 s1 1uz Sorry just sold my my most resent rear sump to jay for a hiace. There is another in the corner of the shop but that set aside with a complete rear motor for my own use. We have a RX7 (series 4 or 5)with a 1uz in the fleet of cars we look after. I did put some photos on here somewhere. The other rear sumps I had were sold for a HQ holden and one (from the these photos) went for a escort.


thats cool thanks any way m8. do you know were 2 get any
Rx7 rear sumpa's as gloverman will probably tell you are about as scarse as hens took me over a year to get one with all the bits and not been swapped from a front/mid sump arangement..hope that helps pls i've only ever seen about 3 on trademe and almost as soon as they are posted they are bought..these are used by most stock car guys and boaties ...neediing the rear sump..basiclly if you can order one from JDM and get a guy to hunt one down for you then you will get it quicker..these engines are only out of a soarer..
thats right. Hard to get and worth more.
I have one in my van. one spare in the corner - soarer motor.
Wreaked a soarer and sold that motor to a mate as a full conversion setup for a hiace and managed to put another one together for his mate again for a hiace. Then the one for an escort and my last one for jay into a hiace again. We use the motor into hilux with a front sump then sell the sump. I could sell twice as many as I can get. Mids and fronts are easy to come by. Cheers
Join and pm a bloke with the username Peter Costello. He lives in WA Aus. I swapped a front celsior sump pickup ect for a "rear" sump with him for the price of postage, he has a hell of olot of toyota stuff. Top Bloke.

see here:

have fun


cheers for that simon, have just registered to the site just waiting 4 the email to allow me 2 ask questions.

how is your rx7 coming along, did you get the motor in with your rear sump (if so did it clear by much) or did you end up having 2 use that angle grinder lol
The smelly rotary is still in place while I build the diff, I'm converting over a Ford nine inch for the Mazda, I don't think the spindy little stock diff would appreciate a forced 1uz.

The plan is to have the car up and running for the Summernats car show, Canberra Aus, held in early January. I've already entered the burnout competition :bigeyes:

I hope to start the engine conversion around the end of the month once the diff is in. I promise to take pictures.

The tranny has been built (full manual roller C4) and the torque conveter is finished. I should start a thread in the conversion section.

have fun

The smelly rotary is still in place while I build the diff, I'm converting over a Ford nine inch for the Mazda, I don't think the spindy little stock diff would appreciate a forced 1uz.

The plan is to have the car up and running for the Summernats car show, Canberra Aus, held in early January. I've already entered the burnout competition :bigeyes:

I hope to start the engine conversion around the end of the month once the diff is in. I promise to take pictures.

The tranny has been built (full manual roller C4) and the torque conveter is finished. I should start a thread in the conversion section.

have fun


cool sounds good, yer il be keeping a eye out 4 the pic's good luck man hope it goes all good a
Hi Rx7 s1 1UZ,
we're doing an S2 RX7 1UZ swap at the moment. I looked at all of the sump options and regardless of the configuration, it will either foul on the cross member or steering arm. We ended up fabricating a custom cross member, otherwise the intake plenum & throttle body were going to be through the bonnet anyway and with no sump on at all the crank was touching the cross member.

The brake assemblies should be finished today, so will start a thread about it once we can roll it out side and get some decent pics.

Hi Rx7 s1 1UZ,
we're doing an S2 RX7 1UZ swap at the moment. I looked at all of the sump options and regardless of the configuration, it will either foul on the cross member or steering arm. We ended up fabricating a custom cross member, otherwise the intake plenum & throttle body were going to be through the bonnet anyway and with no sump on at all the crank was touching the cross member.

The brake assemblies should be finished today, so will start a thread about it once we can roll it out side and get some decent pics.


cool mate that will be awesome 2 c a, some pic's of the cross member would be good 2 a. any chance you could custom me a cross member up. my motor will be well sticking though the bonnet any way as i will have a 6-71 supercharger and bugcatcher sticking out, sucking the air down hard lol

do any of the sumps get it close 2 where you would wont the motor 2 sit, as my plan was 2 modify the standard bonnet 2 put a mound on it like the new "v8 boss ford falcons" have and then cut a whole in that where the blower etc sticks out. or do they all sit 2 high to use

bigblockford may also be interested in a cross member

cheerz m8
Hi there Rx7,
the crossmember is really a prototype, and although it is fully functional, isn't really the prettiest looking piece of engineering I've ever seen. It cradles the standard front sump, providing around 100mm ground clearance on standard wheels aligned to 20mm below the apex of the guard wheel arch. I'll start a thread shortly with all of the pics etc.

I've heard of people turning the crossmember around to get clearance (that would make it relatively close to letting a front sump fit) but that will offset the suspension arms by about 30 - 40mm which wouldn't be ideal. A centre sump would be worst, fouling on both crossmember and steering arm, and the rear sump would foul on the steering arm (the arm would have to go right through the middle of the sump)

I forgot to mention that you could probably contact the guys at the Turbo Shop in Dunedin about a custom crossmember, as they made one for their twin turbo 1UZ Rx7 and would likely be able to fabricate another, cheaper and quicker than me:
