A look at the New Ferrari....

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
The ferrari is to normal too be a good ferrari, I'd have a 430GT anytime over this. just an opinion but a ferarri must be midengined to be interesting at all......

anyway on the mini part there was a Danish mr named Viku Perala or something who stuffed a Rover RV8 in the front of a mini clubman on an austin princes gearbox, that is frontwheeldrive! that thing is very nice.
Zcars have a spaceframed mini clubman running a 550hp busa turbo.... whole different ballgame.

edit: knew I had a linky somewhere: http://www.geocities.com/jharkola/Viku2.html

Grtz Thoams
you were right with the mr bean comment

they were based on the austin MINI as in the italian job etc but with a van type back
i have a photo of the rover v8 in the mini , its a very tight fit, its on my laptop tho, im not on that atm,

the MINI panel van is very kool tho,
the family mini van is not kool.
Hey Justin not much mini about those, look at the zcars link in my previous post,

550hp spaceframe mini cooper, i have took a ride in their NA 190hp busa engined demonstrator on the donnington circuit once, was in desperate need of clean underpants afterwards. insanly quick.

grtz Thomas
Yeah they look like a mad ride... is saw a vid of one in the wet that span the wheels up thru ALL 6 gears and was still hammering down the road :) Hell fun if the road is wide enough :)
Gas went up here in the States recently, and guess which of the cars also increased the most in value in the last year? Yep, The Mini Cooper...

Went from 20 grand used to 28 grand on average to date...Crazy.... They are very popular here in California and selling...I personally see many cruising around..

I can't believe how much they are selling for new and used? Rip off I say!!! Too much money for too little car...
b*llshit jibby

better car then the americans made for years. not saying faster or bigger I said better!

you get what you pay for, the same 2nd haben car over here is much more expensive than the prices you state btw. and we haven't even discussed petrol prices yet..... don't get me started.

grtz Thomas
Relax Striker no need to get agro on me...... I like the mini's too I just think they are very pricey.. I also am a very tall guy and would look silly driving one... I do think they look sporty though and we all know they get great gas mileage...

So if you say they are an engineering masterpiece then I would say maybe they are worth the money and I stand corrected...I just don't know much about them other then their high price and small size...

Here in Los Angeles, California, USA many male homosexuals and females drive them I kid you not, yep the gay community embraces the Mini's and the VW bugs..:flirt: So that right there puts a stereotype on them where I live... It's kind of a fruity drive for homo's and last time I checked I am not fruity nor gay... See my point?
the new mini is not a mini,
its a bmw big, they are huge compared to the old, original mini, and do not compare, they are poo , and gay :P

here is the rover v8 mini.....
who wants to cross mount a 1uz into a mini, :)

this turned into a mini thread too hahah
Come on John, get in touch with your feminine side. Buy a lime green Bug convertible with daisies on the dash.
Funny and cute Cribbj... Remember - It's Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve....

Can't do it, I am all meat and patatos with absolutely no fruit... I will leave the lime green bug for you with the daises on the dash (even though that sounds more like a hippie flower child ride over a gay homo ride) Either or I will have to pass this time around....

By the way, last time my Lexus SC400 broke down I had to rent a newer black VW Bug for a couple of days and I must say they are pure garbage... Long dash, no power, falling apart with only 30,000 miles on it, basically a rattle box on wheels, etc...... A true piece of crap in my humble opinion... Now, I would take a mini over a new bug all day long....

PS... The mini would have to be all black with "dark" tint though...

Go speed go, this is a mini hitting the gas.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XDa5C7X2aM&feature=related
Sorry Jibby I didn't mean to get angry or anything, it's just that it is a really good engineered car despite having nothing to do with the austin mini's of the past.

btw that movie got my spirrit up again for my own project. do you hear the eaton whinging away..... I will have two of those in the future.

indeed funny to see the frari thread ends up discussing 40 yo mini coopers with hayabusa engines in it......

Grtz Thomas
