3uz VVTI cam sensor

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Hi there everyone.
I am currently working on fitting an aftermarket ECU to a 3uz engine. I am quite confident with everything except for getting the VVTI to work.
Can someone please confirm the orientation of the sensor teeth on the inlet cam?
I have it as sort of a Y shape with two teeth 90° appart and the third at 135°. I assume the 1uz VVTI would be the same.
Thanks in advance.


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I hope you didnt take out the VVTi cam gear. Once it is out, will not able to put them back. The sensor should have stabilizing screw holes. I am not getting your questions.
Thanks for the replies
No don’t worry I haven’t removed the cam gears. :D I don’t even have an engine yet but searching hard. But please explain why it can’t be removed.

I want to know the spacing of the actual teeth on the cam for the VVTI sensor, to determine the signal pattern.
I’ve done some research on the net and only found a small drawing without dimensions. I then re-drew it in AutoCAD and found the teeth to be in a Y shape with 90° between two of the teeth and the third at 135°.
Maybe I’m not explaining properly. I’m trying to upload the pics.:o
You are refering to the sensor in the middle of the cam aren't you? I have one 3uz motor at work I could take the tappet cover off to have a look and a 1uz which is running I could scope if it would help. Might take a few days to get it sorted. Cheers
Thanks Gloverman!
That is exactly the one I'm after. If you are able to scope it please add the crank signal on the second channel if you can.
I'm really not in a great hurry so whenever you have time.
Will do. My scope is basic so getting the data to you is a bit tricky but ill work out a way. Ill grab your email once I have the info. Cheers
