2UZFE Bucket List (No Pun Intended)

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Hello Everyone,

We have purchased some oversized intake and exhaust valves from Ferrea for the 2UZFE.
We are also running dual wind valve springs and retainers built from a custom shop here in Canada. To make things even more interesting, we will be running reground cams.

We are now turning our attention to the buckets. As you already know the 2UZ uses the shim under design. What we were looking for was some of your experiences with different solutions. One thing comes to mind is with the reground cams, we can see this thing spitting out shims. Are there any shim-less setups running out there?

Would be grateful to hear of your valve train combos for the 2UZ head. What works, what does not. Things to stay away from etc...

Kind Regards,

Nick from Toronto.
If you have shim under buckets, you're not going to be spitting out shims. That only happens on shim over bucket setups.
Hello John, I really appreciate your help. Yes of course with the shim under setup this is not a problem. The ideal would be shimless, and I know you and dave have looked into this many times before. Can you please let me know if the Echo buckets could be a good candidate?

As for a shim under under setup, what would be:

i) The thickness of the bucket (ie, top of the bucket to the tip of the post). A number
that keeps coming up is 0.300" (7.62mm).
ii) The thickness of the shim?

Any plan of approach, and what to pay close attention to, to have have everything
line up would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Nick, sorry but I haven't fooled with the setup in years and don't have any buckets handy to measure.

The thickness of the shims will vary, of course, with your stem tip heights, unless you trimmed all the tips to be the same.
I can't see why you would need to change the style or design of the bucket as being shim under it won't have any issues.

If you're chasing weight savings by going shimless then you may gain a very small amount but not enough to warrant the expense.

I regularly rev my 1UZ with stock shims to 6,500 and I'm sure my young son drives it harder and I've never had a problem.

If you run really aggressive cams with big lift I could see stock 1UZ's having potential problems but not the 2UZ.
I have Echo shims in mine with 2J over size valves .. Them from memory is 2mm longer and make up for thinner buckets .
It has Kelford custom turbo cams .. It was recommended by them to fit shimless buckets.. As my rpm range is expected to be 8500 plus.. Drag engine ..
Been on hold for a while due to mrs health issues..
Edit if you have 2UZ you should have shim under . No issues with good springs ...
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