I have recently picked up another 93 -94 ECU from the junkyard and plugged it in and it still is doing the same, unless the one from the junkyard is bad also.
That does kinda sound like what its doing though, but what are the chances that two ECU's are bad.
Yeah like poorsupra said i tried to compression test it but my tool is old and on its last life.
When i checked for spark i just pulled the plug out and plugged it into the wire and watched if it sparked while i tried to turn it over.
Ive had the oil cooler since the beginning from when i first started it till now, thats why i'm so stumped because it ran fine until i put that last bit of extra oil in.
Haha i know man i better be driving this thing everyday before you turbo your SC.
Wait what!? when did you get a CF hood!? no to mention a trunk.