1UZFE - Lexus fan idler assembly to replace Hydraulic fan pump

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New Member
I am fitting a 1UZ to my MKii Celica Supra and have to remove the hydraulic pump assembly to get room for fitting an electric fan onto the radiator. With the air cond still fitted I lose wrap on the crankshaft pulley with the belt and would like to put an idler back in its place. I has seen "Lexus ls400 fan idler assembly" advertisedon Ebay - will this bracket fit straight into place where the old hydraulic pump assembly was fitted and maybe then be able to be modified to have an idler fitted? Or is there another easier way?
We use the idler everytime we run a/c. They bolt directly into the same place as the hydraulic pump. Some hydraulic pumps have a bush which require oil and the later ones have a sealed bearing. I feel it is best to replace the pump housing with the idler housing. Cheers
I don't see the point. Sure, you do lose some contact with the pully, but it doesn't slip. I've been successfully running for 2 years now without an idler pully and there have been no problems.
Thanks for the help. I am just in the process of fitting mine and if something needed to be fitted better to do it now than later. Will probably run without it.
I bolted a aftermarket Commodore idler on in place of mine . I had one which I had modified with a sleeve pressed on to it but I am sure it could be used unmodified you would just have to align it properly
you will need a different length belt though
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We use the idler everytime we run a/c. They bolt directly into the same place as the hydraulic pump. Some hydraulic pumps have a bush which require oil and the later ones have a sealed bearing. I feel it is best to replace the pump housing with the idler housing. Cheers
Do you have any to sell?
hey when you use the ls400 idler pully bracket what pulley do you bolt to it or where do you get a pulley from to bolt to it ?
Sorry to drag up an old thread guys, but I am also using the replacement idler bracket and need to know where to get the new pulley to suit the new bracket.. Can anyone give me a part number or tell me where to get one from in Australia?? Please help me out if you can! :)
