Ok, so i talked to the guys at CRS about their bellhousing. Turns out they are making a complete kit to do this swap, including:bellhousing, flywheel, clutch kit, spigot bearing, thrust bearing, pivot ball, clutch fork, release bearing, pushrod, and slave cylinder. Price is reasonable, at $1100 Aus, which is about $950 US. Not really that bad when you figure it has EVERYTHING you need. Saves a lot of time and headache on the flywheel / clutch issue. The also have a spacer / adapter plate that will work for onlt $165 Aus., but then you have all the other parts to worry about. the other thing i worry about with a spacer, wont it make the clutch farther from the slave cylinder, thus effecting clutch engagement? I guess a longer pushrod from the slave cylinder would solve that, but im not sure how comfortable i am with that.
as far as my swap goes.. i am still waiting on a timing kit and valve cover gaskets to start test fitting it in the car.
i also thought i should mention that when i e-mailed CRS, they told me to come to this site. Someone in the forum administration group should talk to them about being a site sponser and giving us the hook up.