1UZFE in a Maserati Biturbo

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
By putting the o2 sensors in the exhaust you will make it run so much better than without.

It will control fuel mix better and give more power and economy.
Old Denso ECU's are suffering a lot from electrolytic capacitor failure. It's an insidious thing that doesn't happen all at once, but sort of creeps up on you with various symptoms. Not saying this is what's happening, but it might be worthwhile to pop the cover and see if there's any black crud around the base of some of your electrolytics.

Basically, any Denso ECU built in the 90's is suspect.

What happens when you disconnect the MAF?
Yeah I would try run with the Maf (Afm) unplugged and see if it changes it in anyway... It sounds like its in limp mode...But fwiw I just had a problem with my Maf sensor and it turned out it was just corrosion on the plug terminals... some contact cleaner and a few little tools to scrape the crap off and she was as good as gold :)
MAF sensor, unplug it and it chokes and stammers, barely idles. I'll take a look at the ECU caps, but this is the second ECU with the exact same symptoms. I know, all the caps are going bad, I have a buddy in Canada the might change them for me if it comes to that.

This is the thread on Club Lexus that prompted me to check for bad caps in my son's '94 Supra TT (my old one) and sure enough, after changing them, it runs so much better. It was misfiring, running rich, had no power, CEL and MIL were on. You name it, it had it. http://www.clublexus.com/forums/ls4...exus-issues-solved-ecu-leaking-capacitor.html

The authors of the thread keep it updated with the latest part numbers in Post 1 so they're easy to find. Doing this work is not for the faint of heart, however, as you need to be a fairly good solder jockey, especially since the corrosion may have eaten up a trace or two and they'll need to be repaired.
Borrowing a scanner will ease things a bit. You may also like redneck-ish way of activating different fail-safe modes by simply disconnecting various sensors one at a time (don't forget to reset ECU each time). I would begin with both main o2 sensors and then water temp sensor, then MAF. In fone of the three works, suspect ECU or harness.
It depends on whether your donor was USDM or not, and in case of USDM . was it OBD2 or not.

Any 1uz-fe can be read with a scanner, but some models will be only read with Toyota's proprietary device (or a DIY software which is extremely tricky to get working)
If others do use it with success, chances are high. The data set displayed will be far from extensive though. Expect to see MAF, water temp, fuel trims. Basically all the stuff you can measure with a multimeter, but in more user-friendly form.
