Search results

  1. H

    Loss of Crank signal

    5 or so weeks ago I removed the radiator and thermostat for coolant change and decided to get a new radiator made. Since that time the car has just sat but over the weekend the new radiator arrived and I re-installed everything. Happy with my work I thought I'd go for a drive to check for...
  2. H

    Heater either hot or cold

    Please ignore this post. Some more internet searching today turned up a little known fact (to me at least). The heater core is not a simple water in, water out arrangement. Volvo made their heater cores to split the hot water to the outsides of the core with the return (cold) back up thru the...
  3. H

    Heater either hot or cold

    In the process of getting the car ready for winter use and after a couple of years of putting up with this issue I think its time to sort it out once and for all. The vehicle is a 1979 Volvo which originally had some sort of thermostaticly controlled heater valve. This failed years ago and so...
  4. H

    Oil viscosity

    If interested, have a look on this forum under "General Discussion - Oil Pressures/Filters/Oils" for a comparison of 10w-30 and 10w-50 oils.
  5. H

    Oil Pressures/Filters/Oils

    I'd like to share some of the results from some testing I've done between two different oil grades over the last couple of days. It was interesting to see the changes in pressures between the oils. At least I now know whats going on. Used the same Z9ST filter (new), both are Penrite, full...
  6. H

    Oil Pressures/Filters/Oils

    Ok. I've got my pressure gauge running off another hole which is on the other side of the housing to the filter. There's no low pressure sensor but with those access points I will look at installing one. The sump is a custom made item with a capacity of 7.5l which should be enough. My main...
  7. H

    Oil Pressures/Filters/Oils

    Been investigating the engine oil and its pressure Vs temps. Until today, I have the standard small oil filter (Ryco Z418) and 10w30 oil. The main issue was the idling pressure that would sit around 16PSI when the water temp was 90+Cdeg. When cruising at around 2600rpm, pressure was 67psi...
  8. H

    Operating temps

    Thanks. Not having an original set of figures to work off and seeing real temps, not just a factory gauge to go by always had me wondering.
  9. H

    Operating temps

    Since getting my a/c gassed back up, I've been playing around with the radiator in my conversion as it seemed the motors temps were a little high with the a/c running but as I do not have any reference data to go on I could be over exaggerating the possible problem. Without the condenser in...
  10. H

    A/C compressor leak

    I've been getting the a/c working in my 1uzfe conversion and after getting everything installed and gassed, I've discovered the compressor is leaking around the clutch in front of the belt pulley. Very annoying having green dye sprayed around the engine bay. So, is there a rebuild kit for the...
  11. H

    Looking inside a 1UZ ecu

    Found this site last night which I thought I'd share. A couple of things on page 6 I found interesting was the codes for rev limit, injector dead time and base timing map. Whilst the timing map is hard to interpret, the injector dead time is fairly clear, however the figures seem low...
  12. H

    What is suitable AFR range

    Been playing around with the tune, when time permits, and am using fairly safe AFR's (14.5 idle, 12.7 rich, 15.0 cruise). Just wondering whether to leave these as they are or spread them around a bit. I've read of people going down to 13.5@idle and up to 15.7@cruise.
  13. H

    Read this, have a laugh but think how it could have turned out!

    Can't say I've tried running myself over with a car in gear, but stupidly I still forget to put any auto I drive in park before getting out, then having to dive back in. Take it easy. Recovery always takes longer, the younger you think you are.
  14. H

    Wanted CoP 90919-02230

    Thanks. I've been able to source one from another member and one from a wrecker. This has got me out of trouble for the time being.
  15. H

    Wanted CoP 90919-02230

    Cheapest I've seen from Aus seller is $42ea plus postage (2 week delivery) but also seen $130ea.
  16. H

    Failed CoP

    Been chasing a miss under power and have discovered a CoP unit has failed. Whilst the unit makes all the right noise when in test mode using the MS3, there's nothing going to the spark plug. I've placed a wanted ad for a replacement but I'm interested in the failure and where the fault is...
  17. H

    Wanted CoP 90919-02230

    Just discovered I have one that failed. Need one but would consider 2 or 3. Cheers
  18. H

    Injector pulse width

    Thanks for the response. Is the increase/decrease in pulse width linear or does it ramp up/down? The MS3 allows for a "Dead Time Voltage% Curve", and uses 13.2v as the 100% reference line. I've been using [email protected] but I've seen 0.94ms and 1.0ms at the same volts also used.
  19. H

    Standalone ECU Megasquirt adjustment issues

    Just saw the responses. Turns out the fuel table I was using was way to rich. After adjusting the table down, the syncing issues disappeared and the tuning could begin.:)
  20. H

    Injector pulse width

    Been playing around with MS3X on a standard 1996 1UZ with standard 251cc injectors. After lots of searching, does anyone have an accurate injector dead time or pulse width figure. I'm currently using 0.9ms and the standard MS3 dead time voltage% curve table.
