project LEXPLAY

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
i have not had time to test for leaks yet but im pretty sure their is none, i think im loosing boost because of my cheap bar and plate intercooler and small 3inch intake when it should be four inch.
the boost gauge is reading correct because i double checked that on the dyno last night again, i had the same thought though,
so after tuesday nights efforts on the dyno and finding out it was leaning out i fitted a apexi afc neo piggyback i picked up wednesday night and had her back on the dyno friday night.
this is the results..
a 30hp improvement and safer AFR's but my injectors are maxed out so next mod is rx7 injectors and smaller pulley for more boost and should see even more power.
Getting better! How is it to drive?

Where is your boost gauge tapped in and are you using the same source when on the dyno?

Colder air will give you less pressure not less power. If you have no air leaks I would say the cheap bar and plate cooler is working well. Are you monitoring post supercharger temps and post cooler temps?

Also look out for the 440ccc supra injectors on US ebay, I bought 2 sets for about $20 a set.
Colder air will give you less pressure not less power. If you have no air leaks I would say the cheap bar and plate cooler is working well. Are you monitoring post supercharger temps and post cooler temps?

Also look out for the 440ccc supra injectors on US ebay, I bought 2 sets for about $20 a set.

Hey Cobber, I've been meaning to email you for a while now.

I tried 2 intercoolers before I went with the water meth, both were eBay units but appeared to be of good quality. The first one I had was HUGE, cooled very well and dropped about 2 psi or so. The second was much smaller, didn't cool very well and dropped about 6psi.

Compared to the water meth, I think the big intercooler worked almost as well with the benefit of cooler temps AT ALL TIMES compared to hot intake temps all the time now except when the meth is activated. I do think the meth does a better job when in use and I think (if I remember correctly) that I did gain some time on the drag strips with just the meth. Also, drivability and throttle response on my car IS BETTER without the intercooler under normal conditions.

The smaller intercooler just sucked all around and was only on the car for maybe a 24 hour period.

The 440cc injectors are a great option. But, if he's sticking with the factory ECU he will need to use resistors to convert from low to high impedance.

Also I don't recommend using the factory MAF sensor in a blow through configuration and if you are I'd keep an eye on it. I blew the top off of two of them which not only created a boost leak, it wreaked havoc on the readings to the ECU.

Pressure is a resistance to flow, pressure will also increase with air temperature.
You need to be mindful of where you are taking the pressure readings from to best know what is going on in the system, taking readings pre and post cooler would be best way to check pressure drop.

The lag effect of a large inter-cooler and intake pipe will indeed make a difference to how the car makes boost because you have a much larger volume of air to compress. I bet in most cases people change gear before they even get close to making full boost with a centri and FMIC.

The aftermarket piggy back should be able to handle the Supra injectors?

I'm a big fan of water meth too and it has more advantages than just cooling.
Pressure is a resistance to flow, pressure will also increase with air temperature.
You need to be mindful of where you are taking the pressure readings from to best know what is going on in the system, taking readings pre and post cooler would be best way to check pressure drop.

The lag effect of a large inter-cooler and intake pipe will indeed make a difference to how the car makes boost because you have a much larger volume of air to compress. I bet in most cases people change gear before they even get close to making full boost with a centri and FMIC.

The aftermarket piggy back should be able to handle the Supra injectors?

I'm a big fan of water meth too and it has more advantages than just cooling.

The piggy back is not the problem with the injectors, the factory ECU is. I'm not sure what would happen but changing from the factory high resistance injectors to the Supra low resistance injectors would likely let the smoke out of it.

thanks for the input guys,
the car drives fine im surprised at how the boost comes on i thought being belt driven the boost would start down low and keep building through the revs but as soon as it hits about 3200rpm it hits boost like a turbo and takes off.
i knew it was going to be laggy with such a big cooler and 3inch pipework but as a street daily i figured it would be better in the long run. i just didn't expect to be dropping psi because of it.

i have not monitered any intake temps yet, looks like jaycar have some good ones for pretty cheap thats next on the list.

im running a AEM electronic boost gauge so i plumbed the map sensor in where the right rocker cover pcv breather went into the manifold.
on the dyno we T in into my BOV hose at the front of the manifold.

the late model series 4 460cc and 550cc injectors are high impendance from what i have seen so a direct fit, im not settled on the rx7 injectors yet but looks like a cheap option.

obviously im running a piggyback now because i don't want to spend the 3grand on a microtech m800 yet hints why im still running a maf but is their a different maf i could run which is a more sealed unit where the top has less chance of becoming a boost leak?
Do you think your getting any belt slip? This has been a while coming, it was quite a few years ago I picked up the fish bracket from you, in saying that you are doing better than me!
pretty sure im not getting any belt slip, the belt rap's all the way around and nearly touches itself again, only a two cm gap tops. but ill double check anyway.

haha yeah the car didn't get any special treatment while i was married and then once separated i found myself with a lot of spare time and extra money so here we are. win win situation lol
ill be at powercruise this weekend boosting her up, if your down come have a look.
pretty sure im not getting any belt slip, the belt rap's all the way around and nearly touches itself again, only a two cm gap tops. but ill double check anyway.

haha yeah the car didn't get any special treatment while i was married and then once separated i found myself with a lot of spare time and extra money so here we are. win win situation lol
ill be at powercruise this weekend boosting her up, if your down come have a look.

IF it turns out your belt is slipping LMK, I have a fix.:D

For a standalone if you decide to get one, I would highly reccomend an Adaptronic e420c if you can still get one. They are cheap(ish) and work VERY well.

I don't think there is a plug in different MAF but you could use a MAP ECU or a MAFTPro. I used the MAFTPro for a LOOOONG time before going standalone. Works very well and allows you to use just about any MAF or MAP sensor you want.

haha yeah the car didn't get any special treatment while i was married and then once separated i found myself with a lot of spare time and extra money so here we are. win win situation lol

Ah so thats the secret, im sure my missus wont take kindly to that.

If im floating around powercruise ill have a look, nit really sure im going yet.

For mine i was going to use the larger extra bolt on pulley but because of richwood autos being a major PITA i think i might just run it of the standard harmonic, that was my main reason to ask about slip. Im going to have to cut my gaurds to fit but the drawn out nature that has been waiting for Andrew means i dont realy care anymore. Cheers for the extra push to get mine happening.:D
My old M90 set up would smoke the belt up but after I put a few squirts of belt grip on the problem went away completly.

Stand alone ecu is the way to go if have a few more $ spare, Adaptronc now do the Select range which is the upgrade to the E420c. Software is the same. They might even offer a plug and play loom by now.
havent been on here in a while but just a quick update the car is still going strong and i have been happy abusing her as is. i do have some 440 injectors and a smaller pulley to go on along with some ported heads but holding of until i have a ecu ready.
From memory I drilled a hole just above it and put a threaded hose fitting in with a nut on the other side. Lots ok k's later and it still has not leaked a drop..
That's the one.
I still want to get a smaller pulley for my charger to get the boost up. Damn small crank pulley on the 1uz.
