Worst crud build-up in 1UZ ever?

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Is it as bad as you have seen?

I am absolutely shocked. I knew when I had a rocker cover off last year that it was not looking good. (I have put about 400kms on it since) But three oil changes and a caustic treatment. Then I was doing the rear main last weekend, and thought, after my multiple oil changes and the treatments and additives, that there is no way it would still look like this.

Anyways, Im pulling the sump to modify it so while I am there I will give everything a good clean up. Cleaned out the oil pickup and everything, clean the mesh filter, give everything a good going over, as I did in the rear main seal housing too.
Oh yeah, put a new gearbox in as the last one had just pretty much straight black oil in it. Damn imports, I think it had probably not seen oil in 100k. :( (I have a new motor that I am getting built, so not too stressed, just showing pics while I sort all the sump etc out.
I'm surprised you had any kind of oil pressure at all....... Pretty much the worst I have seen.

My engine internals had a slight orange tinge to it certainly nothing like that.
So these Japanese imported cars and motors are severely neglected oil-wise.

Like any local cars some people are good with servicing, and others are poor. Not just a specific Japanese problem I would say. Any nationality has people that are lazy with servicing. I bought this sight unseen, locally.

I am pretty happy the motor even runs at all with that amount of build up in it.

Its had three oil changes in my 400kilometres 250mile of driving. As I thought it was bad, but I had no idea!
Wow that's the worst I've ever seen in these engines. That's insane. You know they changed the oil like one time. There is no way you would even get that buildup changing the oil at 15K intervals.
Scoop out as much as you can, as you said, but you'll also need a de-sludging agent to free up the ring packs on the pistons.
I serviced with synthetic diesel engine oil. Ran a few k's and dropped the sump again. Lots more crud. Now had another round of diesel engine oil, and left it in there.

About to go twin turbo. Not expecting it to last much longer! ROFL!
So far I have got 1000kms (600mi) on it NA and 600km or (400mi) on it twin turbo.

Running nothing but synthetic diesel engine oils. (They have detergent agents for cleaning)

Still, starting to make a knocking sound, maybe fuel, maybe piston, so may not have long left. But I will drive it until failure.
