World view of the States? What's up Australia?

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The Flea

New Member
Since this is an "anything goes" forum, I figured it would be a good place to post this question.

We have always benefited from our close ties with Australia. For the last few decades they have provided military support and fought side-by-side with US soldiers in the pursuit of freedom. PM John Howard just recently committed to keep the troops in Iraq until they are no longer needed.

I don't want to go into where I sit politically, but I did want to find out from you guys overseas your opinions about the US. Our main outlets of news media would have us believe that everyone hates us (as if we should be concerned about that) and worldwide support for the cause of freedom is dwindling. But every Aussie I've ever talked to stated almost the opposite.?

Weigh in on what you want. It's kinda broad.
well we just had an election on Saturday.
John Howard in one corner is committed to leaving the troops in Iraq until the job is done, whereas Labour on the other hand was going to bring the troops home before the end of the year.

... Johnny Howard cleaned up the election!

not that that is all to do about the war tho.
but i'm sure it played a major role in some of the voting.

but yeah, as far as i'm aware most of us Aussies find the States a good friend/ally to have. :)
you don 't want to hear my views on the conservative right wing pollitics and economics the good ol' US of A tries their hardest to inflict on the rest of the world.
it seems their time has been and gone before they even realised it.

i have no gripe with american people as individuals, just the way they think as a collective, how easily brainwashed they are, how their own culture is regurgitated and re-consumed so often it's a whole lotta nothing now - even the music being exported all sounds the same, regardless of the artist.

so yeah, don't get me started.

well, i might as well say my bit.

here in Tasmania we see a lot of American tourist, and of the one ones i have talked to just want to talk about them selves, ie, how big there boat is, car is, how much wider the roads are back home, how god dam bib there mountains are etc. It just seems to be that its just about how friggen good they. But dont get me wrong, i watch plenty of yanky tv, admire how they are comitment to there country. did you know that they sell more pick ups in America than any other car?whats with that?
I am an aussie, but there movies sh#@ all over ours.

God bless America.
God bless Japaness car manufactuors
Parded my spelling
Your Question

I have looked at your question and considered it's complexity and will reserve comment until I have thought it through thoroughly.

I read and thought, and thought some more
And decided to sit on the fence and ignore it, it was easier;-)
(Not too mention safer)

Like Logan my presence has been highlighted by my abscence.

This one I will stay away from.
I have many relatives overseas and its funny. pro240c stated some. American culture is so strong, it's taking the world over. From clothes to slang, music, etc. Yet its hated by many who want to keep the old ways.
It's like they want Wal-Mart but can't stand to have it. Love/Hate thing.

Also, while Clinton was respected as our president and seen as someone who brought people together, I have NEVER heard a positive comment about Bush. Sad.
As long as there is man there will be wars

I am an ex-navy Gulf Vet of the 90/91 conflit with two trips to the zone. I worked with many Americans in the same role and i am proud to have done so. My two younger brtothers have also visited the gulf since then, one is currently there right now serving his country and world freedom. Keeping the freaks the world has created at bay. They are like a roach, running back into the crack in the wall till the hunter goes past. I hate roaches so keep our troops there till the job is done!
I think it's a lot to do with size, America is so big and with a structure nurtuing nationalism it is easy to understand how the typical Americal knows very little of the world. Americia is a world unto it's self. I was happy to see just how many members are ozzies here. It feels good to not have to discuss U.S. cars.
techo said:
I am an ex-navy Gulf Vet of the 90/91 conflit with two trips to the zone. I worked with many Americans in the same role and i am proud to have done so. My two younger brtothers have also visited the gulf since then, one is currently there right now serving his country and world freedom. Keeping the freaks the world has created at bay. They are like a roach, running back into the crack in the wall till the hunter goes past. I hate roaches so keep our troops there till the job is done!

good point.

pity that the only contradiction to that argument is that EVERY war (except WW2) america has ever been involved in has had nothing to do with stabilising world forces, but propping up the american economy and interests and putting 3rd world countries in even more debt.

after WW2 they saw how profitable it was to sell arms to a country, and then when it becomes unstable they invade and take the lot. so they get their money AND their country too.

next time you hear about Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, remember that they were trained and placed into their positions of power by the CIA.

this is public knowledge - not a conspiracy theory.

the Taliban were financed by the CIA to keep the Russians out of Afghanistan way back when they were invading. after all, we can't have the commies get their hands on a multi billion $$$ opium industry, can we?

saddam hussein was instigated and had his political party financed by the CIA to restore order to the most volatile OPEC country in the late 60s (could have been early 70s...i forget now) which, if went into civil war, would halt oil supply significantly and cause the current-at-the-time heavily oil dependant USofA to lose out while they imported oil for their stockpiles.

so next time you say "keep our troops there", think about who you're really benefiting. if you still need more proof, look at the new Free Trade Agreement between US and AUS and tell me who got the better deal.

Don't forget the Bush family/Sadam Hussien joint owned oil pipeline in Iraq.

No use letting him do a deal with somone else when you can have your cake and eat it too.
I actually feel sorry for the American people, who have let and, with the results of the recent election, are still letting their country be bankrupted in the prosecution of an un-winnable war. (Hands up anyone who believes that, some time in the future, someone will be able to stand up and state categorically that "We have won the War on Terror"...anyone?...didn't think so).
Do any of our American friends here actually believe that the war in Iraq will ultimately make them better off? Was Iraq really an imminent threat - a "clear and present danger", as it were?
Note that I have a lot of time for American people themselves, and what the US has stood for. I do, however, have grave reservations about the agenda of the current neo-con adminstration and their foreign policy. (I feel we're heading in the same way too, FWIW :( )

As I said, this is NOT a dig at the American people; it is a dig at the people who supposedly "lead" them. Having said all that, I can't expect not to be flamed for my views.

(I'll shutup now...)
i hate the ingrained apathy that comes with this "leadership".

one woman said to me after the trade center attacks "i'll be strong because my president told me to". would you eat your first born if he told you to as well? this is the kind of "loyalty" they rely on to get away with such attrocities unchallenged.
What an interesting question. Personally, I do get a bit of a sick feeling when I see people like Bush on TV spurting his stuff about how he will make sure America will be No. 1 and nothing will stand in their way. HELLO! America is not the only country you dimwit!

Australians, whilst patriotic, are not as fervently outgoing in their display of it as the Americans are. Although, little Johnny could make it up for all of us with all his Bush-kissing exercises.
Hello everybody. Well, I have remained quite on this one long enough. This is a heated subject, and many will differ on their opinions, it's politics.

My position is as follows:

1.I disagree with the Iraq war, we should have never entered into it. It is costing us many lives, and untold billions to complete (if that ever really happens).
2.We need to fight "Terrorism" in any way we can. Terrorism is a dangerous affront to all people who would be potentially threatened by such horrific acts.
3.How do we get out of the Iraqi war now? We cannot just walk away. That country is so destabilized, it would become a far more imminent danger than it has ever been.
4.I believe Kerry would have been even worse.

Most Americans do not like this war, or being in it. We just felt that Kerry would be even less of a President than Bush.

Looks like we have to sit this one out for the next 4 years, and hope for a far better candidate to show up at that time.

SC400T said:
We just felt that Kerry would be even less of a President than Bush.

bush is a puppet, not a president.

no person with his history should be elected into any parliament. how can you be a coke addict in college and then wage a "war on drugs"? how can a man who dodged the vietnam draft with daddy's help be a ruler of a country who is now waging war all over the world "enforcing" peace?

i have no problem with americans, but george dubya bush needs a bullet.
pro240c said:
bush is a puppet, not a president.

no person with his history should be elected into any parliament. how can you be a coke addict in college and then wage a "war on drugs"? how can a man who dodged the vietnam draft with daddy's help be a ruler of a country who is now waging war all over the world "enforcing" peace?

i have no problem with americans, but george dubya bush needs a bullet.

Quite frankly, I do not care if you despise George Bush. You are also certainly entitled to your opinions, and I do not mind that you disagree wholeheartedly with him or any Bush supporter. But, you speak on things you have no way of verifying, make accusations that you do not know are true, and then you say the President of the US "needs a bullet". All this and you don't even live here. If you did, you would be subject to arrest for such a statement.

You offend me with your arrogance and indignity...

With that, I will participate with the opinions on this thread no more, as this thread will continue to go down hill, and I will have to lock it. In fact, any statement on this forum that suggests or threatens bodily harm is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. Any member of this forum that pursues this type of behavior will be subject to banning, as well as the thread being locked.

Remember, though this is a public forum, it is privately owned, and the rules will be adhered to.

Thank you,

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