I have a 93 sc400 and bought some wheels for it the other day. They are 18x9.5 and 18x10.5
Now the front wheels fit perfectly with the right offset and fill the guards nicely, but the rear is a little different.
The rear wheels (10.5" wide) poke out about an inch and a half from the guard edge and the tyre tread is pretty much inline with the guard as they have 225/40's on them.
What i was wondering, can i just get the guards lipped and pushed out by some sort of machine and run a bit of neg camber to poke them wheels in there or would i have to get some ugly flares?
Is anyone running wheels this wide, what have you done?
Now the front wheels fit perfectly with the right offset and fill the guards nicely, but the rear is a little different.
The rear wheels (10.5" wide) poke out about an inch and a half from the guard edge and the tyre tread is pretty much inline with the guard as they have 225/40's on them.
What i was wondering, can i just get the guards lipped and pushed out by some sort of machine and run a bit of neg camber to poke them wheels in there or would i have to get some ugly flares?
Is anyone running wheels this wide, what have you done?