US Next VP

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Too many emotions flowing with women in general is the common thought still amounst many Americans...... So now we potentially have a woman to be in line to lead the country if old man McCain doesn't make it thru his presidential term in good health....

Hillary atleast had Bill to fall back on for presidential support if your comparing the two... Hillary is almost a man anyway... Sarah doesn't have alot of experience either being a senator from the cold state of ALASKA...

Bad move McCain I believe even though I like him... Although, I am sure McCain will pick up a few more of the lady votes with this move... My take on it...
I predict a landslide....

I do too....for Obama & Biden.

I think the only way McCain could win this election is if he'd picked Condi as his running mate. But the Republican party just isn't ready for that yet.......
I don't necessarly agree with you guys... I am not so sure America is so ready for a black president just yet... The Southerners with their confederate flags still flying will have something to say about that unfortunately... A landslide no way...

McCain when debating will come across as being very sincere and also brings with him a very strong military background and from what I have seen Obama can get tongue tied and even studder at times..... We will see?

I must be honest for the first time I really like both of these guys running for president.....
Is Obana considered black though ?? In the terms I don't really want to say.. I mean he has been well educated etc..
The young voters may vote different ...
I'm seeing and commenting on this from outside...
Would the southern states vote the same anyway ??
Would Tiger Woods be realy considered a black ??
Would the present Bush team make it harder for Mcain ??
Well Xr8tt let's just say he is an educated black man running for the presidency... I believe he has a white mother and black father as I think I read that somewhere...
I think the younger voters are above the pregidous of the past..
I have a feeling they will VOTE this time..
Also being that voteing is not compuslury? Then most of them may vote for change ??
