Trade Trade Front sump for Rear sump Perth WA

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
I've got a 1UZ getting delivered tomoz morning I believe its a rear sump and i need a front sump (you need a rear sump yeh?). Give me a call or sms on 0438690611 I'm in Melbourne, for some reason my PM thing wont work on here and i haven't figured it out yet.
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I think that you have to have made a certain number of posts to send a PM.

I'll give you a call tomorrow at some stage. will be late in the day
Sorry I haven't called yet,my day went to total cr@pola thanks to a certain teenaged daughter of mine so I'll have another crack over the weekend. Did try to send a PM but you can't receive them yet
Hey, i got a local guy that wants to swap, you have first dibs so please give me a call i need this asap as i need to get the mounts done for the engine and trans plus any firewall ect mods i need to do.
It's like Christmas... It's coming but all is not lost yet.. Have two more conversions arriving soon and as the front sump engines are cheaper to buy one of these will require a swap
