To clear things up!!

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Active Member
Hello fellow Lextremers...I want to take a moment to make a few comments to clear things up...It has come to my attention that some people on this site are under the impression that I think I know everything about engines, performance mods, turbos, the 1UZ, auto mechanics and engineering, etc...

Let me clearly state that I do not, and never have claimed this. In fact, I know a lot less than most of you on this site. I am always impressed to read some of the posts from some of you...especially some of you hard core engineers and such...It just proves how much there is to learn about this whole Performance movement across the globe.

I appreciate your posts and the knowledge I have gained by reading on this site, other sites, and the many books I have read on these subjects.

I also want you to know that I do not think it is a crime to not have as much knowledge as someone else. Some people here seem to think that this is a crime. At one point and time, everyone on this board did not have the knowledge that they currently have...So, what does that mean??? We all are learners. It is my hope that those of you who are extremely knowledgeable do not snub your noses at those who are not, but rather, you applaud those that are learning...That, IMHO, is how we keep this site a community, and not a "Members only Gearhead site that consists only of guys that simply try to see how thay can impress each other with their knowledge".

I believe most of the members here are a great group of guys, and girls(are there any female members?). Sharing the wealth is a good thing...Keep it up.

Just remember, lack of knowledge does not have to be a stumbling block to acheivement...Most of the greatest, successful people in the world did not know everything about what they accomplished...They found the right people that did, and made sure those people helped them get to the top. They also tried and failed many times to reach success...Edison, Bell, Lincoln, Nash, Walton, Da Vinchi, Armstrong, etc...

Just a few comments I felt necessary to make...

SC400TT - The funny thing is I probably know less then you - So don't feel bad.. To tell you the truth half the time I don't even know what I am saying, and just try and wing it. :dunce: That is why I use all the funny symbols to hide my true stupidity..

Here's to being a rookie :beerchug: :trink26:
If we're all smart we will read a slightly different message into Ryan's post.

Only answer questions where tou know you're right. If you're not sure say so up-front before giving advice.

Very few of us are qualified machanics/engineers. I'm not a qualified machanic so temper advice I give or statements I make.

There's no point in have a contest to see who can make the most outlandish claim.

Don't tell us how much you know about cars/driving if you don't have a drivers licence or don't know a ring spanner from an open ended spanner.

Don't let this Forum go down the drain like so many others.
Zuffen/Rod, I for one only try to offer my advise when I know what I am talking about. I sure don't want to mislead anyone, like I have been mislead a few times on mods that I have done.. Wrong advise does lower the integrity of the forum. I think your advise to others to answer questions/posts only if you know for sure what you are talking about is absolutely brilliant.....

I hope everyone on this forum reads this thread.....
Zuffen: Great response...This is why I do not often post, there are alot of subject matters I do not have a great understanding on, so instead, I read...I have tried to post on only what I do know and am confident in...Plus, I am not interested in becoming a posting whore...:smileysex

Jibby, understood...Right on man...

YZFR1, Thanks

We all have something to contribute, so that should make us hold up our heads and shoulders with some self pride...

And contrary to someone's belief, even I have most definitely turned a few wrenches.

BTW, my turbo project will be completed soon, it will work, and I fully expect to put down some real serious HP and TQ...:bigeyes:

