thought it time for some pics.

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
ok..still not done, but please i have 2 jobs, a family and no spare time..

rangie is 1972 2 door, came to me as rolling chassis (no body) but its not!!so much work has gone into this so far....everything except the flywheel made by me...














hope to fire it up this week....:fest06:
opps ..should be in 4x4 bit..sorry, real tired just got in from work..(18hrs fixing trucks.....)
It;s going to be one heck of a ride when done. Looking good so far. What is the yellow vehicle next to it?
trials and tribulations...(or just plain greif) but strangly enjoyable...

first i bought a 1972 range rover chassis,(complete with engine, box, axles etc...but missing the extremly rotten body...)
why 1972? well here in the uk that means free road tax ,very cheap insurance, and no emmisions you can do what you like to it...
then..replace rear x member and plate any rust, replace all bearings,bushes, ball joints etc..paint chassis, raise suspension,fabricate anti roll bar mounts,replace fuel tank,fuel and brake lines,uprate brakes...
then find a good i wanted 2 door,they stopped being made in early 80's, so good is relativly speaking...found a 81 2 door..removed body (that was fun,chain hoist and a few planks across garage roof struts!!)
put body on 72 chassis, but raised 2 rust in floors,inner wings ..
now to the interior, rip out crappy old and replace with nice leather from late range rover..ahh totally different, so make seat mounts,cut and modify trans tunnel to make make up new cable operated handbrake as original one is where the new seats are (much wider you see).ahh now find how to mount seat belts...
time to complety rewire car...and paint it as well...

next the engine...found this site,learned about the 1uz...thats the one for me!

mate turns upwith complete car 91 ls400 for £180..that will do...!!

remove engine loom etc, try to fit in rangie...hmmmmmm

to make it fit..bulkhead pushed back a bit (club hammer)engine mounts made up using 6mm plate and rangie rubber mounts..cut a bit out of chassis (and stenghten accordingly)

make up adapter plate,similar to zulfen's but more accurate..made of 15mm plate..get flywheel..what a job..eventually found uk race machine shop willing make one..not cheap £375, but i hope worth it (and the wait) solid one piece billet ..find clutch to fit it and lt95 land rover gearbox...

now to the manifolds, fabed up using water barrel , would use thin wall stainless next time as had issues with heat warping the flanges..still live and learn...the exhaust is all 2 1/2 inch stainless exceapt for header bits which are 2 inch..and the headers are 4 into 1 much better than OE..

engine..well ebay comes along and confuses things with me buying a 80k engine from 95 ls400 for £80 complete with loom and thats the one i will use...

engine again..well nought fits..have to ditch power steering pump, and hense pic of citroen saxo electric pump instead..ditch a/c (well its england, dont need it with big sunroof)..where a/c was make bracket to hold alternator...make up idler pully bracket to replace power steering pulley, (so can fit belt on again..)

wire up engine electrics..went for 2 speed fuel pump,controled by ecu and using safety relay (no spark no fuel)..using fuel swirl pot as tank is from carbed model, pot primed by facet red top pump by tank..

well the oil filter dont fit use mocal remote filter housing and sandwich plate take off from where fiter used to be..made adapter plate so can still use OE oil cooler..(fits above filter on remote filter housing)

sump,original,cut and shut,now holds abit more oil..

well thats where i am..working brakes,fuel,electrics and now oil sytem (as of 2 hours ago) water hooked up yet (as engine still has to come out to fit flywheel and wrap headers etc......etc....)

so next time at garage will be starting her up for the first time (fingers crossed)..

forgotten sheds loads of stuff have done, but you get the idea...not easy, everything fabbed by me with basic workshop laser/water cutting,disc or gas only....rubbish welder (though can weld real well)
taken 6 months so far, but done as i said with back yard tools, so if you thinking of doing your swap, but dont have facilities like some have on here, dont worry..just do it!..all you need really is dry safe place to work in..

n.b. dont decide to rust proof entire under of car and chassis untill car now i get a bit messy everytime a go under car.(read lots!!)..dooh..

Stick at it.

When you get to 4 year and have had less than 12months of driving let me know.

Seriously anyone can do this if they want to and you don't need a full on workshop.

I do 95% of the work on my car and I have a basic workshop. Drill press, Grinders (4" & 9"), stick welder, bench grinder, GBH, & a new arrival an old lathe.

I look forward to hearing about you diving it.

You won't be sorry with the perormance increase.
[FONT=&quot]Good job !! if you do it by your self at least you make sure every thing is fixed as you like, plus cutting the cost!![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I’m wondering why you’ve replace the headers? The stock one dose not fit or you are looking for better performance.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Also, are you planning to install the stock ECU?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Willing to see you driven it![/FONT]
Good work. Just get it running then you can work out any bugs and high pressure wash it off for a nice finish. =] It's not what fancy tools you have or the shop your working in... it's just getting your hands dirty and getting the work done.

Looking good.
[FONT=&quot]Good job !! if you do it by your self at least you make sure every thing is fixed as you like, plus cutting the cost!![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I’m wondering why you’ve replace the headers? The stock one dose not fit or you are looking for better performance.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Also, are you planning to install the stock ECU?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Willing to see you driven it![/FONT]

re headers..the OE are crap, and they dont fit, i needed them exiting vertically (as good as anyway) to clear bulkhead,clutch slave and other homemade was the only way to go..

re ecu ..yes stock and installed though not mounted yet (so as can modify/tidy up wiring once running..)

more pics to follow..
update and more pics...

IT STARTED!! happy bunny i am!!

but man...its gonna need a cut off switch to stop starting unless clutch pedal pressed!!!

why...well ..i decided to prime up the oil system to make sure all was this point there was no fuel in car (so i thought) empty fuel lines, empty fuel swirl pot,empty fuel pumps (hp and primer), empty tank (ie dry,cos it came via post man) started!!!!only just but it fuel in tank, and whoosh, well, roar!!!..sounds lovely...runs abit doggy at tick over, but pipes are not connected tight, throttle body not bolted on, so not surprising really..

turn the key,instant starting...needs a saftey not run into garage wall clutchy switch...


pic of oil system.

this is how easy the wiring is...NOT TIDED UP YET..


and this.


is this the correct mafm for ls 400 95?? (not sure as bought seperate from engine)


where does this go (if anywhere) refering to little pipe with plastic joiner going nowhere..


and lastly for now..toy to fit


and some more pics..

an engine mount (chassis)


modified bell housing (land rover lt95)


adapter plate..


another pic of power steering..

well ..

the flywheel and clutch are on..the engine is now in the engine bay i hope for the last time..gearbox is on the clutch splines, one bell housing bolt started..
its where i left it tonight, hopefully tomorrow the rest of the bell housing bolts go in and the clutch works..

forgot the camera, used the phone, once i work out how to will download the camera pics of the billet cnc machined flywheel and post here.
here is the engine in its resting place..everything seems ok...(need to extend clutch actuating rod from slave cylinder...)


sounds lovely,nice and quiet,hunting gone now i put water in it..
