Seller Feedback Terrible service from bellhousing manufacturers

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
I would like to tell everyone about my experience with some of the companies that sells bellhousings for 1uzfe.

First I sent mails to Crs and Dellow, asking them for price and info on their conversion kits. It took them both over 2 weeks to give me an answer. Crs was cheapest on both the parts and freight, so I decided to shop with them. I sent them an order, but never got any response. I sent them a new mail, and waited for a long time before I gave them up.

Then it was Dellow. I sent them a order, and we sent a few mails to decide on payment. I then got a mail that said that my order was ready to ship, so I sent them my credit card info. After that I have never heard from them.

It's now over 1 month since I last heard from Dellow.

Then I contacted Bullet Supercars, and they responded the same day. They was even more expensive then Dellow, but I have ordered through them. They have given me the service a customer deserve.

Shame on Crs and Dellow! Credit to Bullet for great service!
I went with Bullet on a full Kit, Great Customer service(i had at least 10 questions during the shipping time, and were reponded to Very quickly and helpfully the next day, or immediatly if i rang them,)
the CRS bell housing is what Bullet use in their Kit(they say it is the most consistant in Quality)
Last I checked Bullet did use a CRS housing, but things could have changed.

Some pics from you please 200sx-v8 when it arrives would be highly appreciated.

On topic though, yes CRS are slack in returning emailed.
The man who used to own CRS, Rod Hadfield (sold it about a year ago), used to reply to emails every day or two.
I asked him quite a few questions when I was deciding on who to buy it from (flywheel weights, clutch specs etc). At the end of the day I just bought the bellhousing off him, and he said COD was the easiest way. So a week later it arrived at the post office and I picked it up.

Since he sold it however, the email response has been very slow, if anything at all.
I HIGHLY recommend using a phone to contact them. Yes its less convinient, yes its more costly, yes its not really acceptable in this day and age.
But at least you know when you call them you'll speak to someone, and you can deal with it all one-on-one.

You also have to remember, that in this day and age when a young kid (not saying you are, I have no idea), can shoot 10-20 emails off in 2minutes and enquire about everything under the sun, places like CRS, Dellow, and general importers would be getting hundreds of emails a day of people who have been deemed 'tyre-kickers'.

At least places like CRS and Dellow know you are at least semi serious when you pick up the phone and call them.
Not saying that this was the case (especially with Dellow since they said your shipment was really to send), but it sounds like the case with CRS.

Another quick point, when it came time to send your creditcard details, I would have picked up the phone and called them.
While I am not paranoid about buying things over the internet, doing online banking etc, I would still not be sending my Credit Card details over the net.
I did talk with both companies over the phone. The biggest challenge when it comes to calling companies in Australia, is that they are open when I'm sleeping. hehe

I have learn't that a phonecall is what it takes to make companies take you seriously in the U.S. They always answer the phone.
i have many stories from shops either using dellows or crs

some good some bad

all i can say is neither help out to 100% potential

and both have inconsistencies in the making of parts

one day a crs kit will fit next one u buy doesnt so go figure

i do 2 to 3 1uzs a month sometimes and some of the workshops get so p****d off from money lost due to bad parts
I have learn't that a phonecall is what it takes to make companies take you seriously in the U.S. They always answer the phone.

it's the other way around here :grumble: to the aussies, anyone can pick up a phone. if you show up and ask questions, that where you get the most attention and honesty.
If you go into CRS, The phone in the office never stops ringing and there is only one guy answereing phones and dealing with people that come into the shop. You would probably get better service by ringing the phone.
Dellow f****d me over pretty well. After ordering rang them twice a week and always got the "it'll be ready this friday" or "its on the bench now, I'm looking at it, we just need to finish it". Took something stupid like 6 or 8 weeks. And then when I got it, it was the wrong one. Took it back (they live 5 mins from me) and they told me that my gearbox was modified because it had the hydrollic thrust race.

Since then, because of adjustment and clearance issues, I've gone through 3 twin plate clutches and two tilton hyrdollic thrust races. They have cost me at least $10k.
i drove to qld to do 3 jobs

one job was running late due to ordering a part from one of these companies that make bellhousings etc

the part was runnig late and the dumb **** did not call me to tell me he was running lae untill the day before i left and i gave hime 3 months notice
he might be on these forums so you know who you are

anyway i dont give a **** about these companies and i dont give them any praise i do heaps of conversion work for other workshops
and if someone had abit of cash and started making quality stuff not like crap that these other places make (some stuff is good other stff is crap) and they always think the custopmer is wrong they would do a much better job
anyway i dont give a **** about these companies and i dont give them any praise i do heaps of conversion work for other workshops
and if someone had abit of cash and started making quality stuff not like crap that these other places make (some stuff is good other stff is crap) and they always think the custopmer is wrong they would do a much better job

I can supply "quality" bellhousings and other components for 1uz but I doubt that you or your customers are prepared to pay for "quality".
Everyone wants F1 quality at Hyundai prices!
I can supply "quality" bellhousings and other components for 1uz but I doubt that you or your customers are prepared to pay for "quality".
Everyone wants F1 quality at Hyundai prices!
Hehehhe...well that's the world of today....quality one day ..junk the next..such is fast consumerism..just look at the 1Uz-fe..
