Telsa Electric car 0-60mph in 4 seconds flat!!!

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Fellas - TO MY SUPRISE This production made Lotus Telsa electic car does 0-60mph in 4 seconds flat...Has a 250 mile range on one charge...Looks good too...However, sale price is $100,000 and is already on back order after 100 were made and sold......

Watch out for those new fancy looking electric cars they may just leave you in the dust when trying to race.....With only two gears and a top speed of 130mph this electic car can really fly...Here is a pic...
Quebech- Electric cars I always thought of them as being ugly, light, and slow....I think not anymore.....Top speed is about the same as my car, as I have a slightly lower differential gearing which reduces my top speed just a bit...It would be close...

I would sure miss the V8 sound if I owned an electic car...Instead you probably would hear a winding noise from the electic car...Not very intimidating when rev'ing at a red light that's for sure........

I wonder how well this light weight electric car handles around corners? I would venture to guess it handles way better then our cars....
if your car peaks at 208 km/h, something's wrong!

the SC400 should go at least 240km/h.

Don't get me wrong, i have a lot of respect for those electric cars. If I was very rich, I probably wouldn't have bought my SC400 and bought a car like that and race it on a track.

Most of the weight comes from the batteries, wich are located very low on the floor. It makes the grav. center very good.
my dad almost bought one, but the charging station is not mobile and is 220 volt. for the first hundred it was all the money up front. now it's only 75 grand up front and 25 at delivery.:Eyecrazy: so dumb. but they are a new company and they need to build up some dough.
Electricity is geting expensive too, not like petrolium, but electricity is not the best fuel alternative for powering automobiles in my opinion...Infact most of the electric producing plants here in the US are not invironment friendly..They omit....Unless the electricity is being created by solar means and or by wind or water flow I think electric cars are a bit misleading for the masses..
Electricity is geting expensive too, not like petrolium, but electricity is not the best fuel alternative for powering automobiles in my opinion...Infact most of the electric producing plants here in the US are not invironment friendly..They omit....Unless the electricity is being created by solar means and or by wind or water flow I think electric cars are a bit misleading for the masses..

actually they offer to put solat panels on your house fort like 25 grand and it makes more energy than you need.
Electricity is geting expensive too, not like petrolium, but electricity is not the best fuel alternative for powering automobiles in my opinion...Infact most of the electric producing plants here in the US are not invironment friendly..They omit....Unless the electricity is being created by solar means and or by wind or water flow I think electric cars are a bit misleading for the masses..

the benefits of an electric car, enegetically talking. Are that there is very little loss of energy in all the process of moving the car.

in a combustion engine, a LOT of energy goes in heat, in an electric car, very little energy goes in heat generated by the electric motor.

Also, when you brake with an electric, car, you get a lot of energy back to the source, again, not lost in heat generated by the brakes. That's where all the economy comes from. I know in USA the electricity cost a lot of money, not like here, and most also comes from coal/gas plants and nuclear power plants, wich are very pollutive ( coal ).

Here, 98% of our energy comes from those waterfalls, clean, efficient, cost nothing to produce energy, and little maintain costs. But, our politicians are so dumb and retarded, that now we have a lot of trouble to substain our own demand, and buy some electricity from the states on very cold winter days.

20 years ago, we were the "arabs of the electricity" and now... nothing more.

anyway, this gets a little off topic. But an electric car is a lot more environnementally friendly for the planet. Yes, the electricity it needs comes from pollutive power plants, but compare the pollution generated by the plant, for your single charge 250km trip, VS all the gas you used for your 250km trip (about 30 liters of gas!!!)

with 30 liters of gas in a power plant, you could have produced at least 10 times the electricity your electric car would have needed to do the same trip. (speculations, it might be a lot more energy produced!) Also the noise pollution, and no emissions are very appreciated in heavy cities. a car idling won't be very efficient against smog since the exausth system can't keep heated enough. The catalitic converters can't do their job perfectly.

the electric cars are not perfect, but they are a veeeeery big step front of now. And since most of people don't even drive 250km in a day, everyone could use an electric car for our daily commute.
Fez - I heard about that solar paneling offer for some time now...It's a good plan for those that can afford to do it.. Solar paneling does require up keep which costs money, and they really don't disclose the costs involved...A little secret people should concider with that program...Breakage and up keep costs and coverage.....

Quebec - I read some time back that Canada uses an under water sea current which channels water thru a massive pipe system to generate electricity for one of the major cities (forgot which one)...Being that I am a contractor I have to keep up with this stuff......Is it true? Also your post was right on and well received...Coal burning power plants stink, litieraly.....Politicians here in the US are starting to take notice and make some suttle changes.....They are starting to enforce restrictions on coal burning plants especially here in California....

There is a fight going on over this now...

Maybe electric cars aren't that bad after all...I wonder how they drive?...I may have to test drive one, one of these days... I think the 0-60mph in four seconds is impressive as well as the 250 miles you get on one single charge..
actually, they have built big dams to flood an areaof the land, this creates a water reservoir. Then, in the ground they build very high and long vertical tunnels, wich the water falls in, at the bottom of those tunnels the generators are there, water hits the generator wheel after a fall of about 100-120 feet. It's really amazing when you think about this for 2 seconds. Water falls, simple water jets powers a 7 million hab. province. That's a LOT of power when you think all the heating units in winter, lights, factory etc.

But the specific water current you're talking about, i really don't know wich one it is, might be in ontario, they also uses some hydro-eletricity but in smaller scale than we use. At least, while our governement try to deal with the "native americans" to build another power plant, we install wind towers everywhere. Not as much powerful but it's green and it provides a good mild power.

the main problems of electric cars are the price, no heating/conditionning unit, and lack of marketting. People still think electric cars are slow, can't go more than 40mi/h, are ugly and not reliable. But if you think about this for 2 seconds, you only have...

1- lot of batteries
2- power converter and system's "brain"
3- direct drive electric motor (or used with a transmission in some electric cars)

no exausth system, no cooling system, no charging system, no fuel system. there's a LOT of things that usually could break that you won't find in an electric car.
These electic cars are getting more impressive year to year that's for sure....A few more years these cars will probably become more affordable and probably even more reliable..Just like electronics such as laptop computers and televisions, they get more affordable and are simply made better year to year...New ideas and concepts just need time to become perfected that is my guess, but it also helps to have a large demand and competition between suppliers for that new concept to flourish into greater things to come.......
