Team Lextreme in Dustball Rally 1000

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
I'm wondering who this GS400 member is...Cool! Should we So Cal lextremists join this rally? I'm very interested in it.
If he was boosted he might win, what a shame..There are superior cars in that line up... Still I'll be pulling for Team Lextreme to take home the GOLD......
I'm wondering who this GS400 member is...Cool! Should we So Cal lextremists join this rally? I'm very interested in it.

You should do it. It is a lot of fun and definitely something to look forward to and worth the trip. Last year there were several teams from out of state. one team traveled about 1500 miles to get there. Any Questions just let me know. Also they people running it are great guys and just do it because they are car enthusiasts. Also the people that do the rally are great (not your local high school car scene)

If he was boosted he might win, what a shame..There are superior cars in that line up... Still I'll be pulling for Team Lextreme to take home the GOLD......

It is not a 1/4 mine race. It is a back road 1000 mile Gimmik rally (cross country scavenger hunt) Last year we finished with the fastest time and all the answers. There was no official winner because some legal issues arose (not with us) and they didn't have an official winner but you could definitely argue our case. That is not to say there is no racing that takes place but the car is very fast in it's own right and if it comes down to some grudge racing we have 125 ponies at the push of a button that ensures that few can beet us and no one is going to flat out embarrass the car. This year by the time of the rally we are planing on having a supercharger but if not no big deal.
Dude, you have Nitrous on backup... I don't see that very often in Lexus cars...

Now I am really rooting for ya to win!!!!!
that is awesome, you rock for reppin Lextreme.. and that is certainly a car that is deserving of the Lextreme name.
Well, the rally is tomorrow. I will post some pics after this weekend. I think we have a great shot at winning it, we won a 500 mile one day rally a couple months ago that was put on to build up to this one. Anyway we will see.

Wish us luck
DBR1K Pics

The Dustball Rally 1000 was a great adventure. We had a lot of fun. There is no announced winner yet (the awards party is this coming Sunday) but we are very confident that Team LEXTREME was the big winner.

Here are some pics of the Sexy Lexy.

Before the rally.
Before day two.
At the finish line.
This is a picture of us holding the trip computer (1011 miles) but this picture has been resized to protect the innocent:dunno:
I know but it was along day, I'm on the right and my bro is on the left.
Before the rally a brand new Turbo
After the first day (she did this too her own car):sigh:
Surprisingly enough there were three Lexus cars in the rally. GS400, SC300, and a IS300 na-t ( the IS didn't start the second day because they were too hungover :puke:

The Lambo only got 8 tickets the second day:grumble:
You have some wide open spaces there in AZ where you can still have some fun with your car. I drove through Tucson a few years back when I picked up my '97 Supra in LA and drove it back to Houston, and I really enjoyed that area.

Been trying to convince the wife for years that we need to move somewhere less congested (where I can use 6th gear once in awhile....)
Well It is rally time again. It is this weekend and will be Fri-Sun and will cover about 1500 miles so it is the Dustball rally 1500 this year. The car is about the same this year as it was last year. This is not because we are lazy:theyareontome: it is because the car has about everything but FI and we are still on the fence about this. I think we are hesitant about it because we both (my brother and I) have Turbo'ed SC300s and we love the way the 1UZFE drives as is, And my brother needs at least one car that he can DD.

We won the DBR1K in 2007 and 2008 so we will cross our fingers this year :dunno:.

Follow the link in the first post to check out the cars we will be up against this year.:shysmile:
