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Lextreme II

Active Member
Do you guys ever wondering how each of us look? Most of you guys know that I am an Asian. Do you really know how and what I look like? I just turned 40 without any grey (ZERO) standing at 5'11" at 190 lbs. Here it is. Mr. Lextreme! Heading to my first midlife crisis that is why I am looking for a Supra....LOL..


Now show me yours.....
An older photo of mine when I was having my car shot for the magazine.


5'8" and 230lbs... also known as FAT. :smashfreakB:
This is one of the goofiest pictures I have but I was so very happy and proud at that moment I was able to start fire with just two sticks, my shoe string, a little cotton fuzz from my sock, and two big flat stones...The brown paper bag came later on..... No lighter, no flint stone, and no matches...Thank you very much...

Got two blisters on my palms from that experience, and worked up a pretty good sweat but fire was created caveman style.... So watch out Survivor man and others as there is a new kid on the block:tongue2:
LOL... Jibbby you look like you're about the burn the forest down haha j/k.

yeah, l didn't start any forest fires... Silly pic indeed.. Jib vs Wild... I got a little nervous the next day when I saw a big black bear come sniffing thru the camp.. My girl friend at the time freaked and ran!!! I froze like a deer in headlights... Needless to say "Yogi the bear" just kept going on bye, paid me no attention..... I guess it was a camp friendly bear looking for some left over grub.....:scared1:
You've got some mad wolverine style mutton chops going on there !

Ya man those got me so much action in japan, In the usa they had to go...

being diffrent and standing out in japan is cool, being diffrent and standing out in the US is strange.
Those are the most dangerous kind!!!!!!!!

Well thanks for the heads CJSup...

This perticular black bear could care less about us, thank god.. I believe Yogi had seen alot of campers in it's life time and wasn't really that interested in us at all, just looking for a left over snack I guess..:yumyum: ..Saw us, kept some distance and sniffed around the for a few seconds and kept going in the opposite direction away from us.. I did freeze for a split second then immedaitely grabbed my axe while it waddled around the camp ground.. The girlfriend ran for the tent scared as hell, while I stayed outside the tent wondering if it was going to come closer charge and attack us.. I was ready to start swinging big time, I don't go with play dead stuff.....Not fun to be honest, and in all seriousness I was nervous as hell......The little black bastard may have known I wasn't going to take too much crap from it, as it sniffed around looked at me once farted and then left..... Man vs. Bear.. Man wins this time..:nervous:
yeah, l didn't start any forest fires... Silly pic indeed.. Jib vs Wild... I got a little nervous the next day when I saw a big black bear come sniffing thru the camp.. My girl friend at the time freaked and ran!!! I froze like a deer in headlights... Needless to say "Yogi the bear" just kept going on bye, paid me no attention..... I guess it was a camp friendly bear looking for some left over grub.....:scared1:
Where's your .44 Mag? Or you're just waving the fire to scare the bear away just like in the movies?...LOL.
Where's your .44 Mag? Or you're just waving the fire to scare the bear away just like in the movies?...LOL.

Steve the .357 Magnum was at home... It's funny after that experience I probably always bring it camping... Never, though I would need it camping locally... Who goes camping thinking they will have a close encounter with a 150-250 pound bear? This was a local So.Cal. National park and not Yellow Stone either...I've been to that camping spot several times in the past and the most I ever saw was a rabbid squirl maybe... Go figure?

I'll be ready next time, bring it, Wild boars, Bears, Lions, Angry Roos, Hipo's, Rino's, Gators, Wilder beasts, Sasquatch, Lochness you name it no problem...:wall:
