I just spoke with S&S Headers owner/designer Mr. Loren Barnes.
There has been NO reported failures/cracking of the current Lexus V8 headers.
The first run of headers, aproximately 30 sets, tended to have tubing cracks develop after several thousand miles of use. This resulted in S&S changing both the steel tubing thickness and welding pattern.
Original tubing thickness was 16 gauge = 0.065 inch tubing wall thickness
Upgrade/current design is 14 gauge = 0.083 inch tubing wall thickness
This is an increase in tubing thickness of 28%
There has been NO reported failures/cracking of the current Lexus V8 headers.
The first run of headers, aproximately 30 sets, tended to have tubing cracks develop after several thousand miles of use. This resulted in S&S changing both the steel tubing thickness and welding pattern.
Original tubing thickness was 16 gauge = 0.065 inch tubing wall thickness
Upgrade/current design is 14 gauge = 0.083 inch tubing wall thickness
This is an increase in tubing thickness of 28%