Re-check your throttle cable again
Hi I have occasional reverse slippage as well.

I am looking into this using the shop manual. So basically I am including a few things you can try, but realistically you need A) a shop manual and B) a referral to a transmission shop from your mechanic... the transmission shop has the equipment to run these tests... obviously so does the Lexus dealer!
SC400-Automatic transmission-Reverse:
The manual indicates to check in this order: 1)throttle cable 2)transmission control rod, and 3)oil strainer.
I've read elsewhere that the line pressure is adjustable by turning a screw... if the clutch plate is not exerting enough tension it will slip. It stands to reason that the hydraulic pressure has to be high enough to press on the clutch and engage reverse gear. So, here's the procedure to check line pressure:
For checking line pressure (LH/driver side), you are probably best served by visiting a transmission shop. But here is some information:
SST: 09992-00094 (p/n for the "fancy" pressure guage)
Condition Gear kPa (psi)
Idling D 382-441 (55-64psi)
Stall D 183-203(183-203psi)
Idling R 637-716 (92-104 psi)
Stall R 1726-2060 (250-290 psi)
(!)Lexus service note: if measured pressures are not up to spec, recheck the throttle cable adjustment and perform the tests again as a retest.
*If the measured values at all postions are higher:
-throttle cable out of adjustment
-throttle valve defective
-regulator valve defective
*if the measured values at all positions are lower:
-throttle cable out of adjustment
-throttle valve defective
-regulator valve defective
-oil pump defective
-O/D direct clutch defective
*if pressure is low in the D position only
-D position circuit fluid leakage
-forward clutch defective
*If pressure low in R position only:
-R position circuit fluid leakage
-Direct clutch defective
-First and reverse brake defective
Accumulator pressure (RH/passenger side)
{This is a wicked complicated test.... take it to a shop.}
What to check if the Accumulator pressure not good enough:
-throttle valve out of adjustment
-throttle valve defective
-solenoid modulator valve defective
-SLN solenoid valve defective
-accumulator control valve defective
But wait, it gets better.

The shop manual has a procedure to tell you if the issue is in the transmission or in the electronics. There are a lot of diagnostics built in so you can have an idea of what's wrong when you go to a transmission shop. This is a really long list of things to do... but essentially it boils down to:
A) disconnect the solenoid wire from the side of the transmission
B) shift the transmission into all the gears and make sure it goes into them (drive test)
C) then cancel/clear the diagnostic codes
Anyway if you go to the and search the sc400 forums there are links to a shop manual resource, some may be online.
Good luck! Let us know how it turns out...