A few days ago I flushed it thouroughly again with almost 2 quarts of ATF by removing the return hose pumping the old stuff (about a week old) into a jar, while only putting in new stuff into the system. The system only holds a little over a quart total according to my book, so the car definately had all new fluid and the fact that it was coming out nice and red. I drove the car and it might have gotten slighly better, but not really, the steering is too heavy. There must be another problem. Also, its been a few days so i need to check how clean the fluid is, due to my theory of rapid hose deterioration. Anyway, the lexus manual has a few simple checks for the steering ECU and solenoid, which i haven't done, but i really suspect the control valve in the steering rack. I live in a rural area and am going to Austin, TX next weekend, I'm thinking about taking it into the Lexus dealship for a diagnosis. They can test the pressure the pump is making (according to the manual over 1,000 psi) and anything else because alot of this work may require special service tools and a lift. I'm suspecting my second powersteering pump failed so quickly because something else is not right in the system and am hoping it has not already damaged this new pump. Does anyone know if i buy a new steering rack, if the control valve comes with it, because in the service manual it shows how to remove it from the rack and replace or reinstall, so i don't know if it comes as an individual unit?