Posting to Parting Issue????

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New Member
I have tried three times to post to the parting out section without luck. I have also emailed the moderator without reply. Is there something wrong?
Insight would be appreciated.
Speaking for myself, I received a PM from a member last night and didn't respond 'cause I was asleep. I don't know if that was you posting under a different username or not?

What problems are you having posting? Are you starting a new thread, or trying to reply to an existing one? What happens when you click the "Submit" button?
I tried to start a new thread. Going thru the same motions that I did for this one did not work. It would appear to be completed but would not show up. I also used the link to submit a question to the moderator without response. This was a few days ago. I have trying to start the thread 3 times over the past week and half. I am going to try again now.
It says it will show up once approved by a moderator. Same as last few times. I have not seen any of them show up and it is not listed in my profile.
I found your three threads waiting for moderator approval; I approved the last one and deleted the other two.
