Possible Warning on SSAutochrome Turbo

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Lextreme II

Active Member
I got this turbo from SSAutochrome and I am somewhat disappointed with this product. SSAutochrome Ebay Ads and Negative Feedback for SSAC It stated as follow:






BOOST AT 2700 - 3500



I got the following measurements:
Large impeller: 3" (76mm) Advertised as 82mm
Small impeller: 2.070" (52.5 mm)

Large impeller: 2.780" (70mm)
Small impeller: 1.834" (46mm)

Compressor Inlet: 4"
Compressor Outlet: 2.5"

When i got this turbo, its NOT BRAND NEW. Its recondition turbo. There are many scratches on the turbine impeller and discolored. Secondly the actuator bracket and actuator doesnt mate with the internal wastegate. Basically its useless.

When i free spin the turbo, there is a grinding sound. To verify the impeller size, i also noticed the compressor impeller doesnt spin properly. The alignment is off and it doesnt spin straight.

I guess i get for what i pay for. I will ask for refund due to deceptive advertising. Here are some pictures.


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Hi Lex, sorry to hear about the bad turbo. SSAutoChrome is good for inexpensive manifolds, but not so good for turbos. Honestly, a turbo is not a place to pinch a penny. PTE, ITS, and direct from Garrett is your best shot. It may cost a little more, but you'll sleep SO much better at night. I hope you can get all of your cash back on this one, because there's no way you should mount that on a manifold and expect it to hold together.

check this out, look at your pic of the turbine and look at there pic on the auction,


Look at the blades, they spin the oposite way, what a bunch of bunk
that is a really BAD deal there.

it looks like a bad casting of a dodgy copy!!!

just plain awful - i sure wouldn;t bolt that to the side of my engine.

sorry to hear about the dud deal.
They could have alteast sent you a turbo built with new wheels!
Sucks for me. They would have been better off sending you a "new" XS turbo even if it split in half LoL! Atleast then you could say "it sucks, but atleast it wasn't mis-marketed!".
Those turbos are poor quality knockoffs of garrett turbos with zero engineering behind them. Beware! I have seen pictures of a compressor housing that split in half! Imagine what would happen if that POS cast wheel explodes. I'll bet they don't meet wheel containment standards like any real garrett turbo.

That infamous pic of a compressor housing that split on half was because that piece was used as a display, and was never meantot go on an automobile. A few performance companies (which I won't mention) use that pic to push the brand of turbo they are associated with whether it be ITS, Holset, Garrett, ect.. That being said, I still wouldn think twice about ever putting that turbo on any automobile unless it's a beater that you would want to run at the local figure 8 trailer races. Then it won't much matter.

That sounds like me when I would buy a referbished or remanufactured computer, digital camera, etc..on Ebay, they always break on me and I am not talking about just one or two but all, it's rediculous, and I will never will buy referbished anything again. Live and learn the hardway. I did. Sorry to that!
Lextreme said:
If i see referbished then i would take my chances but it did specifically stated as BRAND NEW.
If you paid it through Paypal, you'll get the full money back by Paypal after they investigate your problem and decide if the seller has made a fraud. Make sure you claimed it with your seller first but received no solution, and then you could claim it with Paypal. Paypal had pretty good solutions on my problems. However, check on what would be the deadline of claim with Paypal. Sometimes, I was able to keep the un-happy products and still received the whole amounts from Paypal.

If you tend to keep that turbo, check with www.turbocity.com to see if they can rebuild and balance your turbo unit. If they can, then you would have a fully rebuilt turbo and ready for boost.
cowboy bebop said:
That infamous pic of a compressor housing that split on half was because that piece was used as a display, and was never meantot go on an automobile. A few performance companies (which I won't mention) use that pic to push the brand of turbo they are associated with whether it be ITS, Holset, Garrett, ect.. That being said, I still wouldn think twice about ever putting that turbo on any automobile unless it's a beater that you would want to run at the local figure 8 trailer races. Then it won't much matter.

its amazing how everone takes what they read on the net at true....
i did a fair bit of reasurch on the whole ss autochrome thing and found that almost every threed linked back to that one page on the honda forum
and if you do look at the turbo you can see that thats exactly what it was

in saying all that
i got a gt28 off auto chrome and while it didnt crunch :S the compressor was a little uneven
so i sent it back and they gave a refund the very same day
before i had even sent if back!!!

since then ive onsold my t70 and the guy now running it on his 2jz is having a blast

remeber the turbo has been balanced that wobble has been compensated for on the bottom of the wheel...(i took the compressor of our one to check)

personally i think the problem is to many wannabe engineers are having a ill informed say on somthign that they really know nothing about
the cruching yes i would be concerend with
but the compressor no i wouldnt

also are you holding the rear seal/trap off the turbone blade when your spinning it without the housing on
this can cause a sound that you are describing

there is no point getting the turbo rebalanced ... that will not fix the wheel wobble

Those turbos are poor quality knockoffs of garrett turbos with zero engineering behind them. Beware! I have seen pictures of a compressor housing that split in half! Imagine what would happen if that POS cast wheel explodes. I'll bet they don't meet wheel containment standards like any real garrett turbo.
attually they are real garret housings
real garret wheels and real garret cores
and the turbo you saw was ademo turbo cut in half delibretly
lastly all compressor/turbine wheels are cast...
why would you waste 40-100 k on tooling to cast your own when orignals are so cheap
why would you wast that much money just to make a cheap knock off
do you realise how many turbo's you would have to sell just to brake even let alone that if they were all that crap as you say you might get say 4000 of them on the market before 90% would fail so the reality of attaully getting your money back would be very slim

i doubt in america of al places you could get away with calling something a garret turbo when its not

why do people forget all they know and post this kind of nonsence
comon sence must prevale at some part ??? surely

ps definaly a second hand turbine
and i doubt you will have any issues getting a refund
just tell them its making a scraping noise and the compressor is not running true

the scraping noise is enough by itselve
dont complicate it with the false advertising crap...while its true kepp it simple for faster results :D

I've also read several feedbacks of those turbo sellers on Ebay. I found 2 suspicous things about them.

First, they list a lot of bidders on their turbo but they hide the identities of those bidders. So I couldn't see who's bidding. The seller could have a second Ebay account and keep bidding 10 times or more, so to attract the true buyers as us. Also, the number of bidders stay almost the same from weeks to weeks.

Second, they have a lot of feedbacks left by the previous buyers. They also hide those buyers' identities so we couldn't see who bought their stuffs and what stuffs they sold.

Conclusion: SUSPICION!!! I believe there might still be some good sellers with internal Garrett out there, but they're mixed up with those bad turbo sellers so who knows the truth. You get what you pay for.
if your smart enought to work out that your smart enought to work out all the crap that is internet falicy about these "knock off " turbo's :D

Maybe not knock off's but not adequate to be used on a car.
I'm pretty skeptical of U.S. rebuilt alternators, much less a turbo that spins ten times faster.
sorry for the edit there.

swearing is fine (i do it all the time) but that post in context can be taken as defamation so i had to edit it. i would have asked you to do it but i had to jump on it quick.

pm sent. cheers.
I have never heard of SS auto and have been an active Ebay for years. I know Specter serves up sub-standard auto products on Ebay..

The best advise on this thread was Paypal does offer buyer protection. Believe it or not it does work. Dispute with a good reason like receiving a faulty product and you will get your money back it's that plain and simple. It may take up to a month but in the end you will be credited. I know because I have done it a few times successfully....
