Ported Superchargers

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Anyone have any experience with this or know the why's and wherefore's on the benefits?

I have seen quite a few ported M112's for sale with various port styles and a wide range of hp improvement claims.

The stock V port has always looked pretty retrictive to me but from my limited understanding of how the rotors move the air you need to maintain some type of 'chamber' otherwise you wouldn't have any shrouding on the bottom side at all?

So, porting supposedly increases flow potential but at what trade off? boost potential? boost response? efficiency?
I can only assume porting would be like ported heads or inlet ??
Reduces the restriction in critical area's..
Would make more power with less boost..
But more Lb per min..
Anyone have any experience with this or know the why's and wherefore's on the benefits?

I have seen quite a few ported M112's for sale with various port styles and a wide range of hp improvement claims.

The stock V port has always looked pretty retrictive to me but from my limited understanding of how the rotors move the air you need to maintain some type of 'chamber' otherwise you wouldn't have any shrouding on the bottom side at all?

So, porting supposedly increases flow potential but at what trade off? boost potential? boost response? efficiency?


If you haven't heard of Larry Widmer (aka The Old One) of Endyn you may find his work thought provoking.

Here is a link to his blower mods on an Eaton 62 many years ago... the info is still of value


Figure 6 : This view shows some internal detail of charge exit area. Note the area increase and the radiusing on all the surfaces to curtail turbulence.

Figure 7 : This internal view shows the expanded and carefully shaped air entry at the back of the case. The shapes are designed to work with the charge exit area to provide 120-degree case to rotor timing and are, therefore, critical.

you will probably also find his other articles of interest. He is contraversial but no slouch.

Thanx J,
It appears the greatest benefit for the roots style is lower intake temps. If it's already done then still worth persuing i guess.
