hi again, learning lots here. i am planning to purchase a falcon with 1UZ motor and trans from a crown 1/2 cut. i was thinking of putting in a manual anyway but have a few questions: with the CRS/DELLOW conversions to suit a supra 5 speed wHAT WILL NEED TO BE MODIFIED FROm the current auto setup? as the guy who installed this has spent lots and done a good job on tailshaft and crossmember. (if it was a falcon i can say that tailshaft, geabox crossmember and mount, speedo would all work exactly the same)
if i use a falcon T5 which i had originally planned i would not have to worry about speedo, gearbox mount, tailshaft or shifter position.
however this guy has put the motor a little more forward than standard falcon motor(now about 100mm from back of motor to firewall) this means at minimum shifter will be further forward and tailshaft will almost definatly need modding for the ford gearbox.
i was hoping if i went with a supra box i could use the already modified tailshaft, crossmember and speedo setup(even though speedo reads double almost actual speed ATM)
if i use a falcon T5 which i had originally planned i would not have to worry about speedo, gearbox mount, tailshaft or shifter position.
however this guy has put the motor a little more forward than standard falcon motor(now about 100mm from back of motor to firewall) this means at minimum shifter will be further forward and tailshaft will almost definatly need modding for the ford gearbox.
i was hoping if i went with a supra box i could use the already modified tailshaft, crossmember and speedo setup(even though speedo reads double almost actual speed ATM)