New member - saying Hi

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Hi all, been lurking on here for awhile reading up and gathering info. I decided it was time to join up. Just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi to all the members.

I drive a 91 pickup (hilux) few mods (im posting a picture for those interested), looking to drop a 1uzfe into my ride in the next year( and keep the stock r150 5sp). Wanted to gather as much info as possible and this website seems like the place to get the info I need.


Let me tell you guys, the moment I heard the 1uzfe swapped into a certain 4runner. I was hooked! I dream of the day I don't have to "plan" my approach to big hills, and not have to worry about putting my foot to the floor to get up to speed on the hwy on ramp. Poor little 3vze is fighting a loosing battle pushing all that weight.

I have been searching and reading all the threads I could find about the 1uzfe>Hilux swap. I have (quite)a few questions for you guys, more or less just to clarify a few things.

1. Bellhousing/flywheel/clutch. I saw that a member on the board "SuperRunner" Made a flywheel and a bellhousing adapter to make the 1uzfe block to the stock R150 transmission.
This thread to be more exact

From what I gather the flywheel is available and can be had pretty quick. Although a few guys seem to think it lacks quality, thoughts? Im not trying to badmouth or bash anyone here, just trying to get the most out of my hard earned dollar.

Now the bellhousing from what I read has been cast but im not sure if anyone has used said adapter yet. Again, thoughts?

As for the clutch, from what I understand I can use a stock 3vze clutch ( particularly the marlin crawler unit I use now) and everything will bolt up. Is this true?

I have gone on (from what I was told) Super4runners website and they do not list a bellhousing for this swap, did I miss something?

2. Engine mounting. From everything I read custom mounts are a must, anyone have any recomendations or tips for this? Am I looking at getting a shop to make the mounts? Or is there somthing I can make myself? I don't have access to welder though.

As for engine location, am I going to have to move the drivetrain at all? I would prefer to keep my tranny in the stock location and work around that. Firewall modification needed to accomplish this? I would like to keep any firewall trimming/beating to a minimum.

3. E-brake. Im not 100% sure on this, but apperantly when you install the 1uzfe you lose your e-brake mounting location. I do need a functioning e-brake as I end up parking on curbless hills quite often. I prefer not to have to carry around a block off wood or a rock to jam in front of my tire, or just leave it in gear ( have witnessed to many accidents due to that).
Im really just woundering if this is true, if so how can I get around this to have a functioning e-brake once again? Again im trying to make this thing look as clean as possible. I tend to be pretty anal about these things.

4. Cooling. The stock v6 rad will just not offer enough flow to keep the 1uz happy. Okay, what to do now? Its a long shot I know, but is there a rad thats big enough (3-4 core) to keep the engine happy, but that will allow instalation with the least amount of modification needed? Custom aluminum? I read that a few guys used stock toyota rads from other models, obviously models that im not familer with being in north american and all... As I stated in my sig, I am running a 3" body lift, so it has opened up the engine bay quite a bit. Im hoping this will assist in cooling at least a little. My other idea was to graft in a working hood scoop to force cool air down onto the top of the engine area, cooling a little better. Recomendations on that note?

I do have future plans to ditch the stock bumper and make a custom tube bumper with a winch. Of course my hella 500's will be mounted on there too. Im not planning on a box style bumper as im a little more partial to the open tube style, also im sure the box style bumper will effect the flow of air into the engine bay a good amount.

5. Exhaust. From what I have read I understand that I would need (for the life of me I cannot remember the actual name, again sorry) special manifolds to make the swap work. I am not too sure what these manifolds are, or what they come on. Sorry for the complete lack of knowlage on this one. I always assumed the stock manifolds would work fine with a custom x-over and a single 2.5" exhaust. Thoughts? Comments?

6. ECU. From what I have read the stock ECU will work fine for the swap. Im not the best in the wiring department, but like I have already mentioned I am TRYING to keep this swap a little on the cheaper side. Am I looking at an expensive conversion harness or is it possible to wire it up using FSM's? I did find a few posts about the "venom" wiring harness, but from what I gathered it was more or less for guys trying to run the automatic transmission, not a manual. (R150 at that).

Now my last question, well more of a favor is for a somewhat complete list of parts needed to complete the swap. I know its quite the list to make up, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all in advance, im sorry if I missed somthing while searching. If you could point me in the direction of said missed thread(s) I would be more then happy to gather my information from there. But like I said, alot of my questions are more or less clarification.
Anyone got any imput on this?

Im still in the dark about the rad/fan setup, aswell as the progress on the swap kit from "SuperRunner"
