New Aussie add

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
thats good

I've got big ones and a good radar detector:smlove2: They go so good together. i highly recommend them.:beerchug:


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Max limit is 100kph (62mph) some highways 110kph, in city limits varies between 40 and 90kph.

Radar detectors are illegal, police radar will detect if you are using one, even if you are within the speed limit. Very large fine, possible loss of licence.

Most younger drivers would rather 'do it on the street' than at a drag strip or race circuit, where you would really find out who had the b**ls.
There would be too many bruised ego's!


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Its getting bad in America too though. I was lucky enough to get a ticket by aircraft last time I drove from Phoenix to San Diego. But I drove my LS from Tempe to Mesa at around 100MPH each way every day for about 2 months with no tickets. The aircraft is what really gets you. Don't speed through the mountains coming east out of San Diego, thats where they got me. You guys in Australia can't go very fast on the roads but at least you have great wine. I can't wait to travel there someday.
I go 85-90mph daily on the 10 freeway here in California when traffic is permitting... I haven't got a ticket in 10 years in doing that...However I have been pulled over just once a year ago and let off...The cop thought I was a good guy and let me go...I was very lucky, respectful and grateful...

However, I was also in my conservative looking Toyota Land Cruiser and not my modified Lexus doing 95mph when I was caught on radar ...The cop sees my Lexus doing 95mph and I am surely getting the ticket...

What car you drive, and how nice and friendly you are to the traffic officer sometimes makes a difference...
actually the NATIONAL speed limit is 110kph for all states - canberra is a tiny state populated by politicians - their standard is 100kph "just because".

if you drive from Perth up to Geraldton / Canarvon, it's hard to drop below 130kph. If you head out to Kalbarri or York, there are speed de-restriction zones (ie no speed limit) so you can barrel along as fast as you want.

between horrocks and kalbarri i was sitting on 180kph in my subaru forester - and it still felt like 70!

our problem is australia is that any dolt with a "license" (read can steer and brake without hitting power poles and bus stops) can jump into a hi-po car.

they do this, then end up killing themselves, everyone in the car, and some bystanders.

unfortunately, our "hoon legislation" allows our government to confiscate your car at an officer's discretion - or your neighbour's if they "dob you in". fascism or what, eh?

the general populace don't lay heli's or drift, so everything is targeted around speeding.
strict laws

At least you have the de-restriction zones. We have a lot of bad drivers here too. Plus illegals that have no licenses or insurance. The driving test I took in Italy was 100 questions and I actually studied. Here its 10 irrelevant questions. Thats why I have to pass people on the shoulder in Tempe. No one knows simple rules like the left lane is for passing. I've rented cars and driven on the Auto Via in Spain and the Auto Strada in Italy. There was mostly no speed limits or they weren't obeyed by any one. I drove from Portugal through Spain on the Auto Via to the southern tip of Cadiz and I saw only a hand full of cars. No speed limits or police the whole way. Its too bad I couldn't make the trip in a Lexus or something better than what they had. Most of the rentals were those small Mercedes hatchbacks?
I just picked out a Subaru Forester S for my 89 year old grandmother. I like it but it could use a Turbo or a 1UZ. If only you could hook the 1UZ to a 4 wheel drive set-up. Has anyone tried yet?
Also I think the true wild west is Tiajuana, Mexico. A friend from there told me you can get someone :AR15firing:killed for $5. Don't drive your Lexus there or any good car. That place is crazy:Eyecrazy:
There are no un restricted zones in Western Australia and indeed the whole of Australia now on public roads.

There is a blanket max of 110 kph wherever you see the De-Restriction sign.

NT never used to have a max speed limit that's why you used to be able to go all out.

180 in a 110 zone will get you locked up, killed or a small pee pee.
Actually the max speed limit on NT roads is 130kmh or 80mph.

Many a time I've driven at over 200kmh on 110kmh roads.

Still alive and breating so I guess speed doesn't kill like I was told.

In the late 80's I used to drive 650km to a mates property at Walgett (for international readers it's where men are men and he sheep are nervous!)and quite regularly we would drive it in 6 hours flat. The speed limits were around 100kmh on average so some fairly quick speeds were used. 200+kmh was normal in our Group 3 Brock or Walkinshaw Commodore.
I think all freeways should be designed like the autoban...Did I spell that right? Fast lane no speed limits....That would be too cool....
Rod, I thought the sheep only get nervous where the men wear wellies?

Though I understand there's plenty of nervous 'roos in Oz......
One of my friends just paid his speeding ticket. He was going 102 mph in brand new BMW 7 Series. The fine was $900 USD. Ouch. I also heard in July or near future some fines will be double or triple the current rate.
could be worse they take more points of your licence on long weekends over christmas-new year break's.:006:

Then in n.s.w to get your f-ing (ease up on language dude - mod) licence you have sit a computer test thats for what they call a leaners pemit , then a practical test for your first lot of provisional (or red p's) then a another computer test for your second lot of provisional (or green P's) and then if your still alive your black (or open licence) then if your good little boys and girls you can upgrade to a gold licence no diffrent to your black but the boys in blue think a little better of you.

wait wait there's the great fee's and charge's (l's) $50 to sit test $35 for licence, (p'1) $60 for test $35 for licence, (p'2) $45 test $65 licence, (open) $80 test $45 one year or $95 for a three year licence (gold) $95 for three year licence.

then you have one year on l's one year on p'1 two years on p'2 and finally after all the crap you drive whatever you want.

all those great fee's are every time you try to get your licence.

sorry for a bit of topic but the (RTA) suck

might have a little pee pee but i dont get any complaints (BURNOUTS ARE FUN)

and we wont start on the gay little L and P plate's that have to be displayed so the big know it all wnkr (edit - me again) in blue can book you for somthing
that is silly.

80kmh for l's, 90kmh for p'1, 100kmh p'2, what ever speed limit is on open
There are no un restricted zones in Western Australia and indeed the whole of Australia now on public roads.

There is a blanket max of 110 kph wherever you see the De-Restriction sign.

NT never used to have a max speed limit that's why you used to be able to go all out.

180 in a 110 zone will get you locked up, killed or a small pee pee.

are you serious? :bigeyes2:

why the hell have the old - Ø - sign in a 110 zone? when i learned to drive, that meant no speed limit applies. when was the de-restriction rule changed?
102mph in a 7 series is like going 40mph in something else. So easy to speed in those cars. Your friend should have the newest detector, hidden of course.:friday:

"De-restriction sign". "Drive to the conditions" not so much..but more like "Drive to the prevailing speed limit". In areas where you see Ø that sign the situation will ALWAYS be 110kph in WA.

Go over 110kph anywhere on public roads in WA and you are breaking the law.
We know how much the police in this state just love to give out speeding tickets. Not because it raises revenue but because they don't wan't us to have small pee pee's.

Each state has their own max speed limit and that is what will apply when you see the De-restriction sign.

Very confusing and another way of raising revenue.
I think these signs should be removed and numeric sings put up in their place.

70 over will get your car impuonded, loss of licence and a nice big fine.

Radar detectors are legal to have and use in WA.

Call the DPI or any police station to confirm if you like.

That ad make's we want to hear my 1UZ-FE revving at 6500rpm as I light up the tyres and take off from a set of lights.

I don't want to do it because people will see me, better if there's no one there at all.

This ad's crap, it's never going to make any young drivers slow down, another waste of out taxpayer dollars.
