Need opinion on machine equipment manufacturers

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
For those of you who've worked with a lot of lathes, mills, and all that, which machine manufacturers do you feel are of the highest quality/reliability?

I'm thinking about getting a mill and lathe, and I'm not sure of any other good ones, besides Bridgeport.
Lathe, south bend if you can find them. They might be old, but they never die. My south bend lathe is still running since 1945. Im only the 2nd owner. :-)

Mill - Bridgeport all the way.
I use a Luguna everyday, and it is a very good mill. Just as good as any Bridgeport. What you have to watch for is how well the machine is taken care of. One that is never cleaned and used for hogging will never keep tolerance. The ways/screw bushing will be scored and the table probably hasn't been stoned in years. Let alone trammed in. So keep that in mind while searching. Just like buying a car, it may run and start everyday, but it may not run right.
With a mill it depends on what your thinking of doing with it
the bridgeports have an R8 spindle in them, this will not take big cuts
neither will something with morse taper spindle

as for lathes best to go and have a look at a few, all depends on how big you want to go with it, i can put a complete diff housing in mine end to end :006: its an old soviet toolroom lathe, if you want to do heavy work on a centre lathe look for something that has a bed width greater than its centre height , rigidity is the key with any machine tool
