Need info and pictures of hydraulic fan

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
Need a bit of help. I am looking at using the hydraulic fan motor to add a reverse gear to my boat. Will post details in the boat section.

Can someone email me some pictures of the actual fan hydraulic motor?
[email protected]
There are 2 wires coming out of the hydraulic pump. What do these do. I am hoping they controle a valve that switches the fan on and off. If so, does the fan actually stop turning, or just slow down.

Any idea what speed the fan turns at and does it vary much with engine RPM.

2 wires control the speed at which the fluid pumps through the pump (by solenoid I believe), which directly controls the speed of the fan.

Fan never stops, only slows down.

No idea on any other q's
2 wires control the speed at which the fluid pumps through the pump (by solenoid I believe), which directly controls the speed of the fan.

Fan never stops, only slows down.

No idea on any other q's
I've just swapped the hydraulic fan with the electric fans in my SC400 and there're no wires. All there were oil hoses that come in and out of the fan and the pump, except there's a sensor that's plugged into the pump. Peewee is correct. The hydraulic fan just spins along with the engine.
I've just swapped the hydraulic fan with the electric fans in my SC400 and there're no wires. All there were oil hoses that come in and out of the fan and the pump, except there's a sensor that's plugged into the pump. Peewee is correct. The hydraulic fan just spins along with the engine.
I think the two wire thing is the oil pressure sensor. That is the one with 20 mm hole. Its located on the right side of this picture.

I think the two wire thing is the oil pressure sensor. That is the one with 20 mm hole. Its located on the right side of this picture.

