More HP numbers on Twin Turbo sc400..

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
well not tonight anyway, but i hope tomorow--monday..

over the weekend rdms(bobs) TTsc400 was in action.. we had descent weather on saturday, so we went out for some driving. we did get some racing in.. i gave a call to my buddy, charlie from "Top Setup" a Honda shop thats close by.. bob had tried racin him before but it was wet out that night.. charlies all motor honda hatch has run mid 12s with slicks..charlie is almost always willing to go for a spin.. hes cool like that..
anyway, long story short, they raced over and over again, from rolling starts.. bob did well, but was never able to pull away.. it was very close and charlie did get ahead off the roll and was able to stay ahead most of the time...bobs new trans was much better/quicker at shifting--by the way..

SO-- what does all this mean, we ended up at my shop, and I installed a simple circuit i wanted to try, that turns the cold start injector ON during Wide Open Throttle. its a quick way for me to add a little more fuel, SO we upped the boost a tad.. about 1-2 psi..well we then went for some more driving.. i was concerned, like always, that were pushing things to far, but so far no problems..
id like to get the car to a dyno on monday, and bob has off..there is another local honda shop that has a gonna ask charlie if he can call the shop up and get us in.. he had offered before, but we were able to get to Sound Performance the first time thru another friend...

the car does feel "more betta" but id like to get some air /fuel numbers so i feel better about him running around on 9-10 psi boost..but i think he is making more power.. i am almost sure we are very close to the limit with the stock injectors, so this will be very interesting on what outcome we will keep every one posted, and i hope it comes out well..
if i were to guess, id say we added 30-40 hp.. i would love to see 400 rwhp--BUT, i cant say until we get a real dyno number..
Its to bad the local track doesnt open till march or april, becasuse i think a real world test is best, but a dyno pull or two can be fun also..

Great news and fresh breath of air. What type of tranny Bob have now? Can you explain to us how u utilized the cold injector for the extra fuel?
hi lex, the trans is the same type..3040, but i rebuilt it with heavy duty parts, steels and clutches.. i also attempted a shift kit of sorts.. it has been working well, and shifts are quick and firm..
the cold start injector is just an on or off proposition.. it does not pulse.. but at a wide open throttle, it would add a bit more fuel.. i think it was on this site that someone mentioned what they measured flow the time i was a bit surprised, and figured it out at quite a bit of fuel..
because the injector is used seperately or independantely from the other inj, it is wired seperately.. the plug for it is in the back of the intake mani.. it has 2 wires, a black and a black and red..i wired up a circuit using a relay and a microswitch that is activated only during wide open throttle..the microswitch activates the relay which turns the injector on.. simple..
i mounted it on a metal plate i made, all under the black plastic trac control cover that covers the throttle cable..
does it work? i know it works because when i trip the switch by hand, it floods the motor out..
does it work well at wide open throttle? i think it does--but well see on a dyno , and the air/fuel numbers..
does the car still start well with out it working like it is supposed to? bob has only had 1 chance to start it cold- sunday morning.. he said it started like normal..i think he may have forgotten about it, and not noticed anything peculiar..
actually, he can still activate the injector himself by pressing the accelerator pedal all the way down-BEFORE he starts it-as long as the ignition is on.. thats how us old farts used to start cars anyway.. we would prsee the padal all the way down to set the choke--this was before fuel injection..
anyway, il get back here later, hopefully with some results..

Cool info... i understand what u r talking about. Have you though about using a pressure switch? U can get an ajdustable pressure switch lik this one and set it at certain psi u want to active the cold injector:
I used that for my methanol injection. Since u also use cold start injector as a source of extra fuel, you might want to upgrade fuel pump if you havent done that yet.
Chris, you should just have Bob bring his car in for aem install. There were the real gains are at anyway. Stock timing maps advance the timing too much for boosted applications.
Do the 1uz motor have a factory pressure sensor?
hey chrisman
just wondering if you had any pics of your engine ??
i was thinking of doing the same but didn't think there was enough clearence for the turbos
what type of turbos did you use aswell ??
sc400nut- theres a long thread around this forum somehere with most of the info you asked about.. i think, thats how i link it..

red supra-i know your right about the AEM install.. but i dont know enough about it.. now if you volunteer,cause im prety sure you proficiant with AEM, that would be different..:smile: and as for the factory pressure sensor-- i dont think so,i havent found one, but i may be wrong..

lextreme- bob wanted me to use a pressure switch, but it was easy for me to make the WOT switch with stuff i had onhand.. but- i may end up trying a hobs switch..

as for getting more HP numbers,i tried getting to any dyno today--BUT, nothing.. the real close one, garage qwai, was not working today, mondays.. i also called Max at SP, but it sounded like they were real busy, and the dyno wasnt working.. i even called AMS, they are relatively close, but they couldnt get us in till thursday..oh well.. bob had a day off today, and it would have been cool..but again its hurry up and WAIT--:frown:..i know this is a busy time of the year for alot of shops, so i guess we have no choice.. i could go to a dyno without bob, just take the car-- but since hes payin for it that wouldnt be fair..
il keep you guys posted..
thanx for the info on that sc400tt chrisman awsome work you did on thecar. pitty i live in australia or i would be giving you a call right about now
once again top work
Chris, The dyno is now fixed. The guys at work should have recalibrated it Tuesday. Give me a call at the shop Wednesday and i'll let you know if the dyno is ready to go.
I would be willing to help you with the aem. You will have to actually get an aem and a wide band 02 meter. I would use mine but i loaned it to my friend.
sc400nut-australia--its summer right now , isnt it? id rather be there than here(US) right now.. :)
Max- thanks, i will give you a call.. as for the aem and the wideband, i should have a wideband at my shop anyway-- i need to go shoppin..but im still lost when it comes to the aem, any help would be great..i think i may have a bunch of questions next time i see you..
