might look at getting a normal job

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Active Member
my wife is already looking at finding me a job to work for someone instead of doing this crap
so i dont have to pay rent and not spend all day on the phone
im going to get another phone next week so i can turn my work phone off after hours
she is going back to work since our house didnt sell so our move to qld is put off for 6 or so
months then we will try again hopefully when property market is not as bad
then ill just do mail order looms at night hehehe

not sure if i like any of the jobs that are online
I know that feeling but the only difference is we aint looking at selling the house and the jobs that are out there really don't pay enough... I won't do mail order looms either.. That one is all yours..

At the end of it I'm better off working for me as I don't have to have some muppet who thinks that only coz he has some money that he can tell me how to do my job and try to make me cut corners and do "dodgy sh!t" even tho a regular weekly income would be nice. If I'm going to do that I'm going to retrain and go sit in the engine room of a ship and trust me that thought is really crossing my mind. More pros than cons there
main reason i need a change is my hands are fkt from crimping and twisting and cuting etc for 8 hours a day and sometimes 4 hours at night aswell
and also not be on phone for hours a day
too many wingers in this industry and it shits me cause i know afew shops out there charge twice as much as i do for the same job

but over next few months ill see what i can do as i dont want to loose my hands when i turn 50
and if i do change ill get a 1800 number and charge heaps for help over the phone heheheheheheheheh
first mission is to throw all my crap out from my shop
then try not to have too many cars in then just tone it down
most my looms goto scrap steel guys heheeh
then ill throw out cabinets and tables and see if i really need the shop
So your carpel tunnels have gone? I have to go to the chiro every two weeks otherwise I'm f@cked and seize up as I still do a lot of the heavy work. Fortunately I've got a good one as I look after their cars, but yes the tossers that you have to put up with? Does your head in. Had one walk in this week "How much to put a UZ in my Lux? "Blah blah blah drive away" "oh that's expensive" "Well f@ck off then.. Do you want one that works properly or some dodgy sh!t?". Too many idiots out there and if you ever get to Perth do let me know so we can throw some dead cow on the barbie and sink a few drinkies
my wife wants to visit perth
but before we visit perth we have to visit vegas as ive been there twice and wife hasnt at all
last time i went to perth was to wire up a 1uz into a hilux about 6 years ago
think ill probably just ask around and see about getting casual work at local auto electrician as this way i can do work on the side and still have a steady income
and not have such a strain on my hands
but im going to doctors this tues to then get referal to a specialist for my hands and also my sore feet hehehe
ive got a list in my head of who i wont do work for
some shops i just say sorry im too busy
anything to do with cobra kit cars i double my price as they are worst custoemrs to deal with hehehhe
and anyone who says ive wired my car and now ....... i double my price

and then i have 5 or 10 shops which i drop anything for and go fix things right away
even at night
just did an evo 8 for time attack which is on next weekend at eastern creek
spent afew long nights on it but it came out good
and i have 3 1hdte motors on the go into landcruisers
if u look at the latest 4x4 australia magazine with the red nissan patrol on front cover
i actually wired up a toyota 1hdte into that nissan patrol and theres 2 pics inside of me wiring it up heheheheh
Whats a NORMAL job these days ??.. It seems new jobs are not constructive..
Unless it has something to do with carbon credits..
Or just stay studying at uni FFS !!!
Studying the sex life of a wide mouthed frog....
Don't talk about Julia like that!

Have you noticed she does look like a wide mouthed frog.
Yeah those cobra guys have tons of money just charge them double.

Plenty of work in the West for people who want to work and have some skills. Stay away from cars and play with mining trucks you only work six months of the year. Shifts are usually 2 week on 2 off.
nar I'd rather just not touch the cobras
I know alot of people that think the same about most cobra guys Hehehehe
anyway last chance for real estate to sell our house
so we might take afew grand less and get out of Sydney
and start a new life and maybe career
then I'll get a 1800 number and make money when people call
me for help over the phone

u should see my shop now.
trying to cut everything down
I threw out about 50 kgs of wiring looms and parts and ignitors
and ecus for alot of jap stuff which I had sitting in boxes taking
up room
if house sells rest of stuff will go on ebay
