Merry Christmas

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

Lextreme II

Active Member
Just want to wish all Lextremers a very Merry Christmas. Wishing you and your family a happy and safe holidays.

Site Admin
Merry xmas, I'll be in vegas the city of sin. Maybe i'll read a bible at a strip club and have a jolly time.
Hehe..and a Merry Xmas to you David and your family..and everyone else for that safe,cool,drive sensibly and remember to be good to your mum's..:1244: or else santa won't come..:laugh2: Oh and another thing..Happy New Year..:friday:
christmas holidays are good but its double demerit point in australia for the next ten days. makes you think twice before driving around. is it the same in america? merry x-mas too.
What do you mean by double demerit points in Aussie land? Could it be more severe penalties for breaking the LAW on the holiday maybe?:spankme:

If that is what your referring too, in the USA we have no changes in penalties or laws for the holidays...However, the police and law enforcement bulk up on New Years Eve, Christmas Eve, etc...looking for drunk drivers, etc..... We see uncharacteristic road check stop points where the police check each driver to see who's having too good of a time with the booze or dope..:1244: .Then they ask you to pull over and give you a sobriety test if you appear to be hammered ...:alcoholic: ..At that point the police paddy wagen gets full of drunks and they haul you all off to jail where you will spend the night getting sober..:worried: Oh I also forgot to mention your car is inpounded and towed to the police yards...:thumbsdown: If you were found to be driving on drugs then the police take ownership of your car if I am not mistaken and auction it off to the public to the highest bidder..... Then your basically in a world of crap facing felony legal problems, probation and possible jail time..... Not a good time if you ask me:nono: .....Luckly I've never had to experience that...

Any thing else you want to know about the holidays in the good ole USofA ????
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."
‘Twas the Lextreme Night Before Christmas’

Twas the night before Christmas and out in the garage,
No trace of a chebbie, Ford, or a Dodge.
The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit,
So I figured I’d mess with the Supra a bit.

I popped the release and lifted the hood,
When a deep voice behind me said “It looks pretty good.”
Well, as you can imagine, I turned mighty quick,
And there, by the workbench, stood old Saint Nick!

I stood there a bit, not to sure what to say,
Then he said. “Don’t suppose you’d trade for my sleigh?”
“No way, Santa” I said with a grin,
“But if you’ve got the time we can go for a spin!”

His round little mouth, all tied like a bow’
Turned into a smile and he said ”Sure! Let’s go!!”
So as not to disturb all the neighbors” retreat,
We quietly pushed the car to the street.

Then, taking our places to coast down the hill,
I turned on the key and let the clutch spill.
The sound that erupted took him by surprise,
But he liked it a lot, by the look in his eyes.

With tires a’screaming and turbo aglow,
We headed on out to where the Hot Rodders go.
And Santa’s grin widened approaching his ears,
With every shift as I banged through the gears.

So I backed off the gas and asked Santa if he would drive.
Ol' Santa was stunned when I gave him the keys,
When he walked past the headlights he shook at the knees!

The Supra exploded with a sweet exhaust sound,
Then Santa popped the clutch and the tires shook the ground!
Power shifting into second, and again into third!
I just hung on, watching, at a loss for words,

Then I heard him exclaim as we blasted from sight,
“Merry Christmas to all, what a great night!”

(With credit to an unknown domestic hotrodder who wrote the original version.....)

Santa: "It's 24,000 miles around the world, we got a full tank of gas, a trunk full of presents, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses."

Rudolf: "Hit it"

Merry Christmas Lextremers!


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My Santa came two days ago. Got my heads. Finally... We had a back order on the valve springs. Putting the engine together this coming Wednesday night and drop off the car on Thursday for the 4.7L swap. This simple swap should be done in two days. Hopefully by Saturday morning I should have some pictures and video of the new engine. Merry Christmas everyone and know the reason for the season.
Santa stiffed me this Christmas... I got nothing...Nada.... I'm pissed and want revenge....That jolly fat red bistardo has a boot up the old arse coming to him next Christmas when he tries coming down my chimney......:grumpy:

It's all good though as they say it is better to give then recieve...I am still having a wonderful Christmas with the Fam.... Cheers everyone...:friday:

Mshawari - Happy B-day man... My two nefews are Christmas babies too.... It sounds like you might be getting stiffed two with the two for one special on Christmas day.......
Merry Christmas all hope you all have a good one...........:)

wife got me a DVD-cam so when the car is done i can put a video up on here of it...
Merry Christmas to all, and I hope had a great one. A time of love, blessings, peace and good cheer. A time of reflection, realignment of goals, and hope in the new year. May you all have a great and safe Holiday, and a prosperous New Year.

John Brady, peace and good will to you...:beerchug:

Merry Christmas to all, and I hope had a great one. A time of love, blessings, peace and good cheer. A time of reflection, realignment of goals, and hope in the new year. May you all have a great and safe Holiday, and a prosperous New Year.

John Brady, peace and good will to you...:beerchug:

You took the words outta my mouth..Merry Xmas to all..:439:
