Great site guys and full of info.
Ive just brought my first Lexus LS400 and i am pretty amazed by it.
I do have one thing that concerns me though.
When i am doing a low speed turn like out of a junction or moving into a tight space and using nearly full lock on the steering it feels like the front inside wheel is being pushed and makes a noise like its slipping on the road surface. This happens on either lock left or right.
I have only had the car a couple of days so i haven't had it on a ramp.
The steering seems fine when i am normal driving.
Also when i am hard accelerating upto and over 100mph the car seems to be a bit vague.
Any ideas???????
Thanks in advance.
Ive just brought my first Lexus LS400 and i am pretty amazed by it.
I do have one thing that concerns me though.
When i am doing a low speed turn like out of a junction or moving into a tight space and using nearly full lock on the steering it feels like the front inside wheel is being pushed and makes a noise like its slipping on the road surface. This happens on either lock left or right.
I have only had the car a couple of days so i haven't had it on a ramp.
The steering seems fine when i am normal driving.
Also when i am hard accelerating upto and over 100mph the car seems to be a bit vague.
Any ideas???????

Thanks in advance.