Lextreme 2.0

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Staff member

I'm very sorry to have sprung these changes on you without communicating about it first.

Let me introduce myself and tell you what happened.

I'm Justin and I bought the site from the previous owner Richard. "mybrainisimmense"

About 24 hours ago I started transferring the site to my server and had a good bit of technical issues with the forums software. We had some lag in getting a few things done, including the forums software license. The "old" forums crashed hard and the only way to get it back was to update to the latest version.

The good news is that now that it's completed, we've gone from 3+ year old software to brand new software with ongoing development and major advantages in speed and security.

I haven't owned a Toyota since the Corona I drove as a kid. It wasn't quite a V8! :p

Please let me know what I can do to help around here and accept my apology for the confusion I'm sure you must be feeling.

Justin, were you a "Lextremer" prior to purchasing the site, or is your interest in it mainly commercial?

The original Lextreme site that was on vBulletin had had a number of crashes and a lot of the photos/videos from the very early days became detached/divorced from their posts. Did you encounter any of these issues when you were moving the site this time?
Justin, were you a "Lextremer" prior to purchasing the site, or is your interest in it mainly commercial?

The original Lextreme site that was on vBulletin had had a number of crashes and a lot of the photos/videos from the very early days became detached/divorced from their posts. Did you encounter any of these issues when you were moving the site this time?

Hi cribbj,

No, I wasn't a Lextremer before, though I do have a friend with a mint LS400 (gold). That doesn't count, does it? :p

I've had a history of buying automotive forums and sprucing the software up while trying to be as unobtrusive to the members as I can. My specialty is SEO stuff so it's usually a win-win.

I'm actually finding many "missing" pages on the site that had tons of good information on them; DIY's and tutorials and I'm starting to rebuild those.
Justin, that would be a huge benefit to this place if you could resync some of the older DIY threads with their pics!

And we owe you a welcome to Lextreme as well!

Is "mybrainisimmense" still around?
I appreciate the welcome, my friend! ;)

I bought the site from mybrainisimmense.
I'll let you guys know as I make progress on getting some older stuff rebuilt. I've already done about 5-6 old pages on the non-forums part of the site.
Welcome aboard, Justin!

I'm in the process of moving a forum from an ancient vBulletin install to XenForo 2, so this theme looks familiar :) If you've got any tips on setting up the media gallery so that users can upload images from phones easily, I'm all ears!
Welcome aboard, Justin!

I'm in the process of moving a forum from an ancient vBulletin install to XenForo 2, so this theme looks familiar :) If you've got any tips on setting up the media gallery so that users can upload images from phones easily, I'm all ears!
Hi Galooph, and thanks!

I used to be pretty proficient in xf in the "old" days of 1.2.x but have forgotten most of it. Boy, do I like 2.1.x! Good stuff.
