LA's 5.8 Earthquake Today

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
heres an article about it.

you know this sounds bad but ive lived in two diffrent earthquake prone areas totaling 3 years and never felt an earthquake. we even had one here in florida a little wile back. im pissed. i just wanted to experance a small one yo know.

It doent look like anyone was really hurt, just some power lines down and pictures off the walls. but ya hope youall are alright.
That was a smoothe and easy roller more then a violent shaker....:1244: I must say this quaker actually felt like it moved the land a few feet back and forth in each direction, kinda smoothly though... I hate the violent shakers that rock your world in the middle of the night and blow out your electricity..:scared1: . Those are scary and piss me off...

The thing is you just never know how big these shakers are going to get once they get started...So you stand in place with a stupid, curous and panicked look on your face waiting....and maybe saying "Oh sheeeet"...... Then you sye a bit of relief when you realise it's an earthquake and it's not the big one.. Just another wonderful day in Sunny California...:biggrin:

The epicenter is right under my house. Diamond Bar. It was very strong for like 10-12 seconds. I heard on TV it was felt all the way to Las Vegas. Nothing broken in my home but the city where I reside is right over the epicenter.
David, I watch the news and most damages occured in Diamond Bar area... I was it Down Town LA and those big skyscrapers were rolling... I wonder what it would be like on floor 30 during one of those earthquakes...

News reports say it's a 99% chance of a major earthquake occurng in Los Angeles, California in the next 30 years...A 7 pointer or bigger... Now, that's a little nerve racking to say the least... Headline News reported this and that's basically a guarantee...
