Standalone ECU Ignitor Issues

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
Hi there,
Can anyone help me with my ignitor problem.
My current 1uz ones are causing the engine to cut out at 4400rpm after about 20mins of driving.
Is there a different brand /model that will work better with aftermarket ECU's

Have you tried testing the coil secondary outputs with a spark tester? OEM can support massive hp (500BHP+). How much BHP is your UZ putting out?

Like Anodyne said, there are several replacement types but the gain will be minimal if any.
I have never had a problem with stock ignitors except when the wrong ones are supplied with standard ECU. Have used plenty with aftermarket ECUs and never had issues. We also wire alot with dual channel ignotors off subarus and mitsi's. You could overheat the stock ones if you are cranking too much dwell through them.

Hello and thank you for replying.
We are not 100% sure its the ignitors but have heard of 2 or 3 pple in NZ with the same problem and it all came back to the ignitors not playing well with the Megasquirt.
It revs ok with no load, and I get 2-3 flying laps out of it then it starts cutting out at 4400rpm.
Just thought we would try a different set of ignitors at the track tommorow.
Standard 1uz with twin VF10 subaru turbos running 7psi in an old school Commodore. Just to keep the Holden Guys unhappy.

It's possible that after 3 laps of WOT, the heat generated by the coils and the heat taken in from your turbos could be causing excessive internal resistance in your coil windings and it wont want to rev. How close are your downpipes/turbos from your coils?
Well in true motorsport style I've runout of time and couldn't find any suitable ignitors at the wreckers, so taking on board you comments. I've moved the ignitors further away from the heat source that they were closest to. Didnt quite have enough time to move the Lt Coil Pack so will cross fingers for tommorow. Hopefully will be able to play with the dwell settings on the go. Will keep you posted. Sorry am new to this and am having trouble uploading pics. Think I will have to resize them.
Well my ignitor issues was easily resolved by moving them further away from the exhaust/turbo manifold. Thank you heaps to all that have helped. Unfort I have a new issue that cannot be rectified via forums! The new issue is the nut behind the wheel. (see pic for proof) Engine still runs mint thou.


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Good news on the motor. Good to see you are driving as hard as you can. Do you think you can buff it out??? haha Cheers
Glad to hear the solution was easy.

Ouch, what happened to the rear? Someone behind you not paying attention? :rolleyes:
Unfortunately I can only blame myself for backing the car into a concrete wall at quite a high speed.... the little mongrel is on full boost at 2700rpm and I over corrected some oversteer which turned into even more violent oversteer the other way when the boost came on.
Good News thou, its been a few weeks and I painted the rear half last weekend, just need to put in a new fuel tank and replace the other bits that got crushed in the boot as well.
Back on track for end of July hopefully.
Only got a top speed of 217km/h out of her with a 5500rpm rev limit so hope to get higher when I raise the limiter.

Thanks again for all your help on here.
