Hurricane Ike

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

Lextreme II

Active Member
We have few members from Texas area and this weekend Hurricane Ike is scheduled to hit South East Texas. Estimated major flooding and structural damages. We hope people in Texas have a safe weekend. We are thinking of you. It is a catagory II hurricane with Cat III water. Estimated 25-30 feet of wave. Surfside Beach Tx is flooded with exception of few major roads.

Here is a Live! site
We're all "hunkering" down here in Houston. It should be an interesting night, as it's predicted to hit us around 2-3 AM.

It's currently on a course direct for Houston, which is actually good for us, because these things always take a turn to the North or East just before they hit land. This is what happened with Rita, so if this storm stays on a course for us it may actually miss us and go up the TX/LA state line as Rita did.

What we don't want to happen is for it to change course and take a heading more to the west, like it's going toward Corpus Christi, because when it does make that last turn, then it'll be lined up to hit us dead on.

Fortunately, I've got both Supras under cover, and we're bringing one of the Suburbans over to my company's multilevel covered parking lot today ;-)
It's about 3AM here, and apparently the eye of the storm is over Galveston. It made a little turn to the north before it hit land, but it wasn't enough to keep it from missing us. We're about 40 miles north of Houston, and are getting some heavy rain & wind, but it's no more than a heavy rainstorm would deliver.

The power has been flickering, and I'm guessing will go off when the real fun begins in another hour or so.
Here in College Station, TX, we aren't getting anything but gusty winds (up to 50mph is what they say) and small trickles of rain drops. I apologize for the horrible pictures, but my roommates junk is in the way of the window.

Out to the left side, you can see Kyle field (behind the giant raindrop)... That's about a quarter mile away for visibility references.

One more for kicks:
From College Station, TX, the storm didn't get any worse than the pictures. Some gusty winds and a bit of rain. Clear blue skies today.
You need a 4x4 to live in these storm and hurricane areas. Perhaps an inflatable boat, too if you don't have room for a small boat. You may also think about having a large capacity power generator and some gas to feed it. You guys have a weather system that can foresee when the water will flood the city, while here in California we don't know when a big crack will push half of the state out to the ocean. We just had a mild earthquake 2 months ago.There's no such safe place.
You should live in Sydney.

The odd nasty wind or hail storm and that's it.

No earthquakes, Hurricanes (Cyclones to Aussies) or other natural disasters prey on our fair city.

Sure we have some bushfires but nothing like California.

I wouldn't trade where I live for anything.
You should live in Sydney.

The odd nasty wind or hail storm and that's it.

No earthquakes, Hurricanes (Cyclones to Aussies) or other natural disasters prey on our fair city.

Sure we have some bushfires but nothing like California.

I wouldn't trade where I live for anything.

I'd give just about anything to move down under to the land of OZ.
You should live in Sydney.

The odd nasty wind or hail storm and that's it.

No earthquakes, Hurricanes (Cyclones to Aussies) or other natural disasters prey on our fair city.

Sure we have some bushfires but nothing like California.

I wouldn't trade where I live for anything.
It that's the case, Australia is a very nice place to live in. All you need is a strong house roof. :grouphug:

Brushfires suck. I spoke to some of my clients in these areas and they're scared when that happens.
Bushfire doesn't cause problems for 99% of Australians.

There are some well known areas (sort of like living in CA) that you avoid.

I lived in bushfire areas for perhaps 25 years and never had a fire make it to my street. I always wanted that to happen as a kid. But I do remember watching houses burn about a mile away when I was a little tacker.

All in all we are the lucky country.
Where is Cribbj? He hasnt been online since the Ike hit. I wonder how he is doing. Anyone know? Very concern since he live in Houston Tx. I know few million homes lost power.
Bushfire doesn't cause problems for 99% of Australians.

There are some well known areas (sort of like living in CA) that you avoid.

I lived in bushfire areas for perhaps 25 years and never had a fire make it to my street. I always wanted that to happen as a kid. But I do remember watching houses burn about a mile away when I was a little tacker.

All in all we are the lucky country.

What about Drop bears?
