How to Make Money Online

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

Lextreme II

Active Member
I have been very lucky. I started Lextreme about 8-9 years ago with little or no knowledge of how the internet and the web work. Learning from mistakes and other people's help, I was manage to run a "Look At Me" site with my initial projects.

Initially the site was pretty dead with exception of few DIY articles. Thanks to Peter from Planetsoarer linked up my site and traffic start to flow and it has been growing since then. We are almost hitting 13,000 members and wouldnt be surprise to see 20,000 soon.

Anyway, mybrainisimmense suggested that I should incorperate Google Adsense in my site to make some extra money to support the site. So I did and I kept on reading more about Google Adsense and seeing some site making close to 1 million Canadian Dollars a month.. Amazing as it is, most people dont even know about this program.

So what is this thread is all about? If you are a good writer or have the desire to write, then u can make some passive income. As u guys know, my writing sucks... but I still write because car stuff interest me. Good luck... read above link to learn more.... and make some extra cash.....
Agreed google adsense is really helpful if u knw how to manage it properly .. although i must say forums r not a big income maker on adsense no offence but i've been running adsense for 3-4 years now on multiple forums blogs CMS's etc .. so far the most outcome is from a BLOG then the CMS's .. Forums coming in last .. its not all bout the backend system as well what gets u more stuff is the quality n uniqueness of the data u r posting in other words copy pasting from other sites doesn't work / help .. try to rite whatever u can in your own words .. car sites tech sites political sites have the most revenue .. lextreme has alotta potential and it can have alot more if u don limit it to one specific car or company .. also try to incorporate sites like facebook twitter digg etc in here as well .. make groups on facebook fan pages the lot spreading the word that way is even more easy =]


NOTE : also add VBSEO and VBSEO SITEMAP to Vbulletin u will find it very helpful =]
Great points. I wonder Blogs still as hot as few years ago. I was helping a friend with Google Adword (Google Advertising Program) and he deals with health and life insurance. Keywords in that industry is very expensive. It ranges from $30 to $60 per click... Ouch.... So car related key words are low... Range from $.05 to couple dollars.
not really mate i've seen 18-20 year old boys getting a steady income of 800$ a month from simple tech n car blogs :S .. as long as u target big companies u get more revenue .. like i said don't limit the content to a certain subject =]
oh n i was just wondering y rn't u using a proper front page here .. there r plenty of free alternatives that u can use here pretty neat stuff like wordpress joomla vbadvanced .. that would really give you alot of help =]
