How to clean up a "smoker"-lex?

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Hi all,

for the non-smokers amongst you:

How do you or did you clean up a "smoker" car?

Even if the PO did not smoke much in the car, for a non-smoker the smell is there the same.

Any ideas, suggestions, experience how to clean up a SMOKER?


thjakits :cool:
I bought an EX Jap WRX and it had smoke smell too..
They seem to spend all there time smoking and drinking coffee
on there way to work ??
I sprayed a solution of bi carbonate , water. Left it a while to dry out then vacuumed...
Did this about three times.. The last time I added some Jasmin oil...
It gets under console seats etc also...
When I worked in Insurance we once had to get rid of the smoke smell left over from a wiring fire in a Rolls Royce hire car.

We put an Ioniser in the vehicle and left it on overnight. We then vacuumed out the dust and the smell was gone.

Whilst I don't believe in Ionisers (particularly P Brock's one!) they do seem to make dust settle, and the dust is what holds the smell.
There is a product called Unsmoke that restoration companies use after fires in buildings. I have used it in the past as was very effective. It neutralizes the smoke molecule and removes the smell.
Also a Ozone generator can be effective, maybe a little hard to find though.
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Ozone generator? That sounds like NASA designed it or soemthing haha. I remember trying to clean my 91 LS after 3 student drivers grew up on this as their "1st car" so I had melted lipstick on the carpet, spilled food/drink, I even had what I was told was a spilled "protein shake" that once dried caused the rear carpet area to become cemented to the metal below it. I solved mine with this trusty "bissel steam cleaner for pets" and after a bottle of solution and an hour I could eat dinner off my floorboards.

I also hear orange pumice hand cleaner + vacuum can do wonders for carpets that are abused.
one time i borrowed my bosses newish suburban when i was in high to go see someone out of town. It was a rural house and they asked me if i would take the trash for them. They were smokers and the butts in the trash bag made the whole car smell. I put an Alpine Air ionizer in the car overnight and it removed all of the smell, it was unbelievable!
